Community Briefs 10/26/22
DANA report highlights diversity of Delaware nonprofit leaders
As part of its continuing efforts to provide resources to nonprofits on diversity policies and practices, DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement, has released its 2022 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report. The study seeks to understand the current makeup of Delaware nonprofit boards as well as the diversity profile of executive director and senior teams.
Diversity can reflect many different characteristics, including age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, education, profession, experiences and even where board members live. The report explores many of these characteristics but pays particular attention to racial diversity.
"DANA often receives requests from its nonprofit members on resources and strategies to enhance board diversity, and reviewing practices related to diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI,” said Sheila Bravo, DANA president and CEO. "We hope that this report can help facilitate conversations around these important issues."
The survey results will help inform DANA’s future program DEI offerings in addition to existing resources, workshops, assessment tools and consulting services. DANA also hosts quarterly online meetings for those who are leading DEI initiatives within their nonprofits. For more, go to
Highmark grants continue investment in healthcare workforce
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware announced its third-quarter BluePrints for the Community grantees, which will collectively receive more than $3 million in funding. BluePrints for the Community has now committed over $7 million in 2022.
“As the health landscape constantly evolves, BluePrints sees Delaware nonprofits continue to adapt and innovate. It is a privilege to partner with every grant recipient to address the most pressing needs of our neighbors,” said Rita Landgraf, Blueprints for the Community advisory council chair.
Grant recipients serving Sussex County include American Heart Association, Beebe Medical Foundation, Nemours Foundation, University of Delaware, YMCA of Delaware, Brain Injury Association of Delaware, Cancer Support Community Delaware, Contact Lifeline and Donate Delaware.
“Our community and provider partners are doing tremendous work to develop our healthcare workforce, mitigate health risks, and provide the most-needed services to those who need them most,” said Nick Moriello, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware president. “We are thankful for their dedication and collaboration as we work to improve health outcomes throughout the state.”
To apply, go to All Delaware 501c3 organizations are eligible to submit proposals focused on health outcomes and demonstrating meaningful impact.
Sussex Habitat hosts ceremony for future homeowners
Sussex County Habitat for Humanity hosted a signing ceremony Sept. 13 for the future homeowners of a new home build coming to Georgetown.
Rather than mail and sign each new homeowner document, Sussex Habitat celebrates every step taken on the new homeowners’ journey.
The next phase will be the home construction where the homeowners, with assistance from an onsite construction manager and volunteers, will come together to build the new home. Sweat equity is an integral part of the homeownership program, and participating in the home construction allows each future homeowner to learn new skills, meet new members of their community and contribute to the process of the home’s construction.
To learn more, go to
Linda Ronstadt tribute show at Dickens Parlour Oct. 28-29
New York may have its bright lights, but the Dickens Parlour Theatre in Ocean View has its stars.
The Broadway to Bethany series brings big names and even bigger voices to the beach.
Elizabeth Ward Land will present the award-winning tribute show “Still Within the Sound of My Voice: The Songs of Linda Ronstadt,” at 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28 and 29. Musical accompaniment will be provided by David Libby on piano, Jeff Cooper on bass and Ken Schleifer on drums.
To learn more and purchase tickets, go to or call 302-829-1071.
Free hearing screenings set Oct. 29
Mid-Atlantic Hearing Organization will provide free hearing screenings to all community members ages 5 and above from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 29, at Lewes Public Library. MAHO is a new nonprofit run by local audiologists Dr. Megan Boehler and Dr. Sara Conrad. The organization provides donated hearing aids to individuals who financially qualify, as well as free hearing screenings to the public. Donations will also be accepted at the event, including used hearing aids and batteries. Screenings will take 5 to 10 minutes per person.
To learn more, go to or Facebook.
Musical program on Jewish Persian culture set Oct. 29
Galeet Dardashti will present a musical lecture on Jewish Persian culture at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 29, at Epworth United Methodist Church, 19825 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach. This free multifaith program is sponsored by Seaside Jewish Community and the Jewish Federation of Delaware. To register, go to, click on the calendar, then click on Oct. 29. Masks are required. For questions, contact Sara Rosen at
Unitarian Universalists to meet Oct. 30
The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold an online and in-person service at 10 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 30, with Remembering Well as the topic. The Rev. Heather Rion Starr said, “At this season of Samhain, All Souls Day and similar rituals throughout human history, we too will honor our ancestors. You are invited to bring a photograph, talisman, memento or special object for sharing with one another during this service.” For details, go to
Georgetown-Millsboro nonprofit grant applications due Oct. 31
The Georgetown-Millsboro Rotary Flags for Heroes Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation is accepting grant applications through Monday, Oct. 31.
Grants will be awarded in amounts from $500 to $5,000. Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations working to address community needs in Sussex County, with preference given to organizations located in Georgetown and Millsboro.
To apply, go to
Giant Food Bloomin’ 4 Good sales benefit Harry K Foundation
The Harry K Foundation has been selected as a beneficiary of the Giant Food Bloomin’ 4 Good Program for the month of October.
Launched in July 2021, the Giant Food Bloomin’ 4 Good Program is an easy way for shoppers to give back. At the Rehoboth Beach Giant Food store, for every Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the purple hanging tag sold during October, $1 will go to the Harry K Foundation.
“Flowers can make someone’s day, brighten a room or spread a smile,” said Laura Glascoe, Harry K Foundation executive director. “Now they can give back to our local communities, too. Purchase a Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet at the Rehoboth Giant Food in October to help our organization support the community better. ”
Established by Harry Keswani, the Harry K Foundation has vowed to raise money and donate 100 percent of proceeds to help alleviate the problem of food insecurity in Delaware. Funds raised by the foundation are disbursed through the Food Bank of Delaware to support school pantries and backpack programs statewide.
For more, go to and
Pantry drive to benefit Pathways to Success thru Oct. 31
The third annual Treats for Success Drive to benefit Pathways to Success will be accepting donations of nonperishable food items until Monday, Oct. 31. Items will be used to stock the Pathways pantries in four local high schools and help at-risk students avoid battling hunger as they succeed in graduating. Healthy snack donations can include toaster pastries, cereal bars, granola bars, snack size peanut butter, trail mix, individual tuna pouches with crackers, dried fruit, popcorn, chips, juice boxes, nuts, microwave mac & cheese, and more. Donations can be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Jeanine O’Donnell State Farm office, 16583 Coastal Hwy., Lewes; and from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday, at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 18501 Stamper Drive, Lewes. For details, go to
VFW lists scholarship contest deadlines
The VFW Auxiliary 7234 in Ocean View announced its ongoing scholarship programs and entry deadlines. For grades 6 to 8, Patriot's Pen essays are due Monday, Oct. 31. For grades 9 to 12, Voice of Democracy audio essay submissions are due Oct. 31. Continuing education scholarship applications are due Wednesday, Feb. 15. For grades 9 to 12, Creative Patriotic Art contest entries are due Friday, March 31. For grades K to 8, Illustrating America Art Contest submissions are due March 31. For grades K to 12, Get Excited for Red, White & Blue entries are due March 31. For details and applications, go to
Eating Smart & Moving More series starts Nov. 1
The Lewes Public Library will host a free six-week health and nutrition course for families starting at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 1. The program will continue each Tuesday, Nov. 15 through Dec. 13.
Even on a tight budget, families can eat healthier and be more active.
Presented by the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, the hands-on Eating Smart & Moving More program offers strategies for choosing healthy foods, saving at the store, increasing activity levels, accommodating picky eaters, understanding food labels, handling food safely and more. Participants will learn simple steps to improve health, and get free information and goodies to take home, including a bag of groceries for those who attend at least four of the six sessions.
The federally funded educational program is intended for adults ages 18 and older who are on a budget and have children at home, are planning for a family, or provide care for children. To register, go to or call 302-645-2733.
Instructor Mary Edwards is a nutrition assistant at the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and teaches nutrition classes in schools, libraries and senior centers throughout Sussex County.
Cape Henlopen Senior Center travel deposits due Nov. 1
The Cape Henlopen Senior Center will sponsor travel opportunities in 2023, and members of the public are welcome to participate. Deposits are due Monday, Nov. 1, for a March bus trip to New Orleans.
Additional designations include Lancaster, Pa., and Dutch Country; Savannah and Jekyll Island in Georgia, and Beaufort, S.C.; scenic West Virginia; Biltmore Estate and Asheville, N.C.; plus a Royal Caribbean Cruise.
For details, dates and costs, go to and scroll down to see Big Trips.
To be placed on a trip list, call the center at 302-227-2055, or stop by 11 Christian St., Rehoboth Beach. CHSC Travel Coordinator Kathy Gurski will contact all those interested to register and make final payments on trips in time to meet individual deadlines.
Stockings for Soldiers donation drive runs thru Nov. 1
The GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club and the Karen Wearden office of Edward Jones in Lewes are partnering to collect items for deployed service members who are serving during the holidays.
Requested items include socks, small packages of toiletries, music CDs, beef jerky, chewing gum and granola bars. For a complete list, go to
Items collected will be delivered to Stockings for Soldiers Delaware, which is marking its 19th consecutive year of efforts to send personalized holiday greetings to brave young men and women in uniform serving their country around the world.
Donations will be accepted at the Karen Wearden Office of Edward Jones, 17723 Coastal Highway, Unit 4, in Lewes, through Tuesday, Nov. 1.
NARFE Chapter 1690 luncheon reservations due Nov. 3
The Coastal Sussex Delaware NARFE Chapter 1690 will hold its monthly luncheon meeting at noon, Thursday, Nov. 10, at 1776 Steakhouse in Midway Shopping Center near Lewes.
Cost of lunch is $19, with a choice of three entrees plus dessert. Reservations are due by 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 3. To register to attend, email
Chapter 1690 is ready to assist federal employees if they need information, benefit assistance or other supports related to federal benefits, compensation and retiree issues. The chapter has officers and members who can help in times of need. Any active or retired federal employees living locally are asked to consider joining NARFE Chapter 1690. To learn more, go to or email local chapter President Bill Jenkins at