
Community Briefs 5/15/24

May 15, 2024
Bethany Beach unveils tourism app

The Town of Bethany Beach is launching a new resource called Bethany Life for its tourists and residents. This user-friendly application will function the same way as those downloaded from the App Store, but it can be accessed from any device with no login required.

The town will continue to maintain its current website at, with an all-encompassing approach to Bethany Beach municipal information. Bethany Life will offer a quick reference to key facts that make a trip to the beach a successful one, namely beach rules, lodging and area information as well as daily updates on what to do and where to eat. The app even allows for real-time alerts in the event of emergencies or time-sensitive notifications. To see the live site, go to

Lewes-based talent acquisition pro garners national accolade

Peter Garneau, a luxury retail talent acquisition professional, has been selected to receive an OnCon Icon – Top 10 Talent Acquisition Professionals Award. The top 10 were selected from over 250 nominee submissions, and the award is determined through peer voting. Voters were instructed to select those they observed to have a considerable impact on their organization and/or previous organizations they witnessed making strong contributions to their professional community through thought leadership, innovating in their role/career, and exhibiting exceptional leadership.

In 2016, Garneau joined the SMCP Group as director of talent acquisition North America, working remotely from his Lewes home office. Headquartered in Paris, the French luxury contemporary ready-to-wear group includes prestigious French fashion brands Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot and Fursac. Before that, he spent 25 years in human resources and talent acquisition with Saks Fifth Avenue. Garneu is also an active volunteer for CAMP Rehoboth and a co-host for the Lewes Rainbow Social Club. 

For more information, go to

Sussex Pride web page addresses LGBTQ+ tobacco health disparities

The Tobacco Free Delaware Conference was held May 7 at the University of Delaware. The same day, Sussex Pride launched a new web page to address tobacco use in the LGBTQ+ community.

Tobacco Free for Every Delawarean aims to address health disparities related to tobacco use in the state. To view the page, go to

About 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ adults smoke cigarettes, compared with about 1 in 7 straight/cisgender adults. When looking at trans adults, the percentage of cigarette smokers is 35% higher than that of straight/cisgender adults. Estimates of smoking prevalence among LGBTQ+ youth range from 38% to 59%, compared to a prevalence rate of 28% to 35% for the total youth population.

“Delaware tobacco control programs should include representatives from LGBTQ+ organizations in disparity reduction planning and intervention development,” said David Mariner, Sussex Pride executive director. “Delaware public and private funders should recognize LGBTQ+ communities as a priority population for tobacco prevention and cessation services. Delaware needs evidence-based interventions that are designed for priority populations, including the LGBTQ+ community.

‘The Jungle Book’ to open in Milford May 17

Second Street Players will present “The Jungle Book,” a children’s theater production, from Friday to Sunday, May 17 to 19, at the Riverfront Theater, 2 South Walnut St., Milford

In this action-packed adaptation of the classic adventure story, precocious Mowgli grows up believing he’s as fierce a wolf as any of the members of his pack. When he learns he is actually a human, he must discover how to reconcile these very different identities, and decide whether to remain with the pack or return to the human world from which he was born. What will he choose? And will he be trained in the Law of the Jungle in time to defeat Shere Khan, the most feared animal of all?

Friday and Saturday shows begin at 7 p.m., and Sunday shows begin at 2 p.m. Friday night’s performance is pay-what-you-can at the door, donations only. Saturday and Sunday ticket prices are $5 per child and $10 per adult.

To purchase tickets, go to

Lyme Aware conference for medical providers set May 17

Beebe Healthcare will host the Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board's inaugural Lyme Aware Delaware Conference at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 17, at Lewes Public Library.

This hybrid conference is for healthcare providers only and will offer the options of in-person or virtual attendance. This free event will focus on Lyme and tick-borne diseases and Delaware-specific research, and will offer up to six continuing medical education credits to participants. This event is for Delaware healthcare providers only and is not open to the public.

For more information and a full agenda, go to the calendar at

Food drive at MCC continues May 18

Metropolitan Community Church is collecting nonperishable items to benefit the Cape Henlopen Food Basket in Rehoboth Beach. Donations may be dropped off from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, May 18, at the church, 19369 Plantation Road, Rehoboth Beach.

Genealogical society meeting set May 18

The Sussex County Genealogical Society will meet at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 18, at Lewes Public Library and via Zoom. All are welcome; to request a Zoom invitation, email

Guest speaker Julie Roberts Szcepankiewicz will presesnt “Locating Vital Records in Poland Online.” Szcepankiewicz is a genealogist, writer and speaker with nearly 30 years of experience in researching her family's origins in Poland, Germany, the U.S. and Canada. Her articles have been published in the journals of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, the Polish Genealogical Society of Massachusetts, and the Western New York Genealogical Society, and she is the author of a genealogy blog, From Shepherds and Shoemakers.

 For more information, go to

Pet adoption fair set at Rehoboth library May 18

Brandywine Valley SPCA will host a pet adoption fair from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 18, at Rehoboth Beach Public Library, 226 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach.

BVSPCA has been uniting furry friends with their forever families since 1929. Largely thanks to the group’s tireless work, Delaware became the first no-kill state in America in 2020, and it is still holding strong. With support from animal lovers, Brandywine Valley SPCA helped spay/neuter, rehome and care for more than 17,000 pets in 2023.

The event is open to the public; no registration is required.

Multiple myeloma group meeting set May 18

The Delaware Multiple Myeloma Support Group meets from 1 to 3 p.m. every third Saturday of the month, with some changes during holiday months. The next session will be Saturday, May 18, via Zoom. Guest speaker will be Dr. Adam Cohen from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. For the meeting link, email Sue Iwahashi at For more information, go to

Legion to host tea with Abigail Adams May 19

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 28 invites community members to travel back to a time when tea was the talk of Boston, and Abigail Adams was America’s first lady. Karen Knight of Heartsongs Ministries will portray Abigail with humor and perform a variety of patriotic songs during a tea from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, May 19, at 31768 Legion Road, Millsboro. Attendees are encouraged to dust off the good china and set a table with friends or join one of the shared tables available. Prizes will be awarded for best hat and most creative table decor. Tickets are $20 per person and include sandwiches, tea and desserts. For more information or to purchase tickets, call or text 302-381-3897. Proceeds will benefit the flags for Memorial Day project.

UUSD to meet May 19

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold an in-person and livestreamed service at 10 a.m., Sunday, May 19. Joined by Children’s Faith Exploration Director Heather Hamilton and UUSD member Susan Haase, the Rev. Heather Rion Starr will share with attendees the background, promise and possibilities of the Our Whole Lives  sexuality education curriculum. Rion Starr said, “We hope and plan to offer this program to our UUSD youth in seventh to ninth grades, along with interested youth from the larger community in 2024-25. We want everyone to know more about it! We welcome and appreciate your support. We will also celebrate our newest members.” For more information, go to

YMCA Putt-Putt Golf Tourney set May 19

The Sussex Family YMCA invites the community to its second annual Putt-Putt Golf Tournament at Jungle Jim’s at 2 p.m., Sunday, May 19. This family-friendly event for all ages aims to raise funds for the YMCA’s Annual Campaign.   

The YMCA’s Annual Campaign provides scholarships to individuals and families in the local community, ensuring everyone has access to vital programs and resources that support youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Sussex Family Y works hard to support the people and neighborhoods who need it most by addressing community needs such as school readiness, chronic diseases and drowning prevention. 

“We are ecstatic to bring back this incredible event which allows our community to have a fun day playing mini golf while rallying support for a vital cause in Rehoboth Beach,” said LoriKay Paden, YMCA of Delaware community vice president. “Expanding access for those in need within our community is critical to ensure that we’re providing a safe space for youth to stay on a pathway to success, for our neighborhoods to unite and to improve the overall health and well-being of our friends, families and all Delawareans.”

Last year, the Sussex Family YMCA provided more than $79,700 in financial assistance. With the community’s help, the Y hopes to increase its impact and serve more people in 2024. Supporters can gather friends or neighbors and register as a team of four for $100, or as an individual for $25. The fee includes pizza and a soft drink, 50/50 raffle, and more. The event will conclude with an awards ceremony at Thompson Island.

Estate-planning mistakes class set May 20

The Delaware Money School will offer a free class on Common Estate Planning Mistakes at 5 p.m., Monday, May 20, at Lewes Public Library with instructors Deirdre O’Shea McCartney, Esq., and Robert Jeter. The class covers common estate-planning mistakes and how to avoid them. It will explore some typical myths about estate planning and offer suggestions on how attendees can optimize their financial future and legacy for their own and their loved ones’ benefit. Having written, spoken and taught on the subject many times, the instructors break down a complex subject to understandable layman’s terms. Everyone should be aware of these mistakes and be able to consult with their attorney and financial advisor on a plan to correct them. To register, go to

Limited spots remain for beach house golf event May 20

Player spots are filling quickly for this year’s Children’s Beach House charity golf event set for Monday, May 20, at the Peninsula Golf and Country Club on the Indian River Bay. 

Golf enthusiasts and big-hearted sponsors alike are preparing for a day that promises skillful swings and purposeful fun in support of the beach house’s year-round work with children, youth and families. Interest is high, and the remaining available player slots are quickly filling.

CBH Director of Marketing Justin Nixon said, “[The event] will be a fantastic day on the greens, plus lunch, bloody marys and mimosas, on-course beverages and games, and an amazing dinner when you’re done! What’s not to love?”

Civic-minded businesses, philanthropists and community influencers are lining up in support of the annual event. “We’re so grateful to these sponsors and to our players for coming out in support of the kids and families in CBH programs,” said Nixon. “If people are interested in joining us as sponsors, or if they want to claim one of the remaining foursome slots, they should visit our website,”

National Vegetarian Week events kick off May 20 

In celebration of National Vegetarian Week, VegRehoboth will be hosting several events.

A meatless Monday lunch is set for 12 p.m., May 20, at Cilantro Cocina De Mexico. Guests are encouraged to bring their favorite cookbooks to share. RSVP is requested.

An Indian culture and cuisine talk and tasting is set for 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 21, at Indigo Rehoboth. Tickets are $20 and include a small gift bag of essential Indian spices. Registration is required.

Producer Lisa DeCrescente will present an award-winning short film, "The Next Girl," at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 23, at the Lewes library. A panel discussion will follow, and appetizers will be provided. Registration is required.

VegRehoboth will host a happy hour at 5 p.m., Friday, May 24, at Saketumi restaurant. RSVP is requested.

For more information and to register, go to or

Eastern Sussex Republicans to meet May 20, June 17

The Eastern Sussex Republican Club announced speakers for its upcoming meetings, held at 7 p.m., the third Monday of the month.

Monique Hampton of Beacon’s Call of Delaware will address the group May 20 on Delaware’s Human Trafficking & Slavery, at Lewes Fire Department Station 2, 32198 Janice Road, Lewes.

The June 17 meeting will be held at Delaware State Police Troop 7, 19444 Mulberry Knoll Road, outside Lewes. The two speakers will be Jane Brady of A Better Delaware and Sussex County Councilman Mark Schaeffer. Brady will give an update about court cases on election laws. Schaeffer will discuss county issues and his re-election campaign.

Founded on traditional conservative values, the club consists of an alliance of concerned citizens located in coastal Delaware. The organization welcomes anyone who shares in these values or wants to learn more, regardless of political affiliation.

For more information, find the Eastern Sussex Republican Club group on Facebook.

Limited seats remain for UD by the Sea May 21-24

Seats are still available for a four-day learning and social event from Tuesday to Friday, May 21 to 24, in Rehoboth Beach, hosted by the University of Delaware’s lifelong learning program for adults age 50-plus.

Both newcomers to the First State and longtime residents will have an opportunity to learn about Delaware history and explore other intriguing topics during the annual UD by the Sea program.

Organized by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Delaware, the program offers learning tracks focused on environmental science, foreign affairs, horticulture, crafts and coastal Delaware’s culinary delights.

Each track includes two days of intensive learning and fun through presentations, field trips and demonstrations. Participants also will enjoy evening social activities, and welcoming and closing events at the oceanfront Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center, 1 Baltimore Ave., Rehoboth Beach.

For more information and to register for tracks with openings, go to

AARP theater trip reservations due May 22

AARP Chapter 5340 is sponsoring a trip set for Wednesday, June 19, to the Sight and Sound Dinner Theater in Lancaster, Pa., a 350-seat venue. Attendees will see a performance of “Daniel.” All are welcome; membership is not required.

The cost includes round-trip bus transportation, lunch and the show at 2 p.m. Participants will depart at 7:30 a.m from the College Park Shopping Center near the Georgetown Walmart.

The cost of the trip is $145, payable on or before Wednesday, May 22. For more information, call Pat at 302-856-2274 or Paula at 302-567-1748. Make checks payable to AARP Chapter 5340, include a telephone number and email address, and send to Treasurer Paula Norma, 24933 Betts Lane, Georgetown, DE 19947.

Nonprofit security grant applications due May 22

Eligible nonprofits, including faith-based organizations, can apply for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Grants fund projects that enhance physical security and cybersecurity for nonprofit facilities at high risk of a terrorist attack or other extremist attack. NSGP is funded through the Department of Homeland Security and administered in partnership with FEMA and DEMA.

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m., Wednesday, May 22. 

For complete guidelines, go to

Women voters event set May 22

Women’s March Sussex will offer the first of a two-part series, When Women Vote, Women Win, from 6 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 22, at Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes. The series is intended to educate, inform and mobilize women voters in Sussex County.

The May 22 forum, titled The Big Why: Why 2024 Matters to Women, focuses on the critical role women play in determining election outcomes. The audience will participate in an exercise called Two Truths and a Lie to explore in depth the four freedoms presented at previous forums: reproductive rights, healthcare access, economic freedom and freedom to be safe.

Part II, The Big How: Make it Happen With the DIY Toolkit, is scheduled for 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 26, and provide information on how to implement Part I.

To register, go to

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