
Community Briefs 6/5/24

June 5, 2024
Brian Mengel honored as CBH volunteer of the year

Children’s Beach House has named Brian Mengel of Lewes as its 2024 Volunteer of the Year. The award is given annually to a volunteer whose time, passion, creativity and expertise have helped the beach house further its mission to support Delaware children, families and communities.

Mengel has volunteered at CBH since 2021, and in that time he has probably touched almost every square inch of the building, said Eric Krause, CBH facilities manager. “He’s my ace in the hole. I call him for any job that requires finesse,” said Krause.

Over the past three years, those jobs have included painting, landscaping, repairing the beach house porches and decks after storms, and rebuilding the low ropes challenge course for residential campers.

Mengel was recognized in absentia at CBH’s annual volunteer appreciation dinner in May. The award was presented to him in June at a poolside event for CBH sustaining supporters, the Beacon Society, of which Mengel is a member.

Friends of Milton library names new board members

Friends of the Milton Public Library recently elected new board members and reappointed two members. Officers are Lisa Malone, president; Denny Hughes, vice president; Denise Snight, secretary; and Janet Lank, treasurer. Lynn Wajda will join the board as member at large.

The Friends of the Milton Public Library is a nonprofit organization that sponsors the library’s community outreach and children’s programs. A bookstore operated by Friends members generates proceeds to fund these initiatives. For more information, go to

KSI receives grant from Milford Lions 

KSI recently received a generous $2,500 grant from the Milford Lions Club Eunice Reed Fund.

As KSI continually makes improvements to its programs and services, these crucial funds will enable the agency to provide easier access to water by conveniently locating water-dispensing stations in the pre-vocational training program area, and the life enrichment and explore program areas in Milford’s skill development center.

KSI is a private, not-for-profit agency providing vocational training, employment, community integration, transportation, day habilitation, life enrichment and nutritional services to individuals with disabilities in Sussex and Kent counties since 1962. KSI is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that its programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

For more information, go to

Sussex Tech Adult Ed receives $20K grant

Sussex Tech Adult Education has received approval for a $20,000 grant from the Arsht-Cannon Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation. The one-year grant will be used to support salaries for three teachers in Sussex Tech Adult Ed’s new family literacy site at North Georgetown Elementary School.

"We are grateful for the support of the Arsht-Cannon Foundation. Through this grant, it is possible for us to serve more families in Sussex County by opening a second family literacy site. Parents will take English and parenting classes while their children participate in fun learning activities and receive help with their homework," said Kelly Whaley, director of Sussex Tech Adult Education.

The new family literacy site also will receive funding from the Indian River School District to provide children’s snacks.

For more information about Sussex Tech Adult Education, go to

Event to focus on absentee incarcerated parents June 7

The Dover Hope Zone will present the play “Out of the Ashes” at 6 p.m., Friday, June 7, in its theater at 3 North Bradford St., Dover. 

The film focuses on absentee incarcerated parents of school-aged children. A discussion and question-and-answer session will follow the play.

It is estimated that over 2 million children in the United States have incarcerated parents. Viewing and discussing “Out of the Ashes” allows for school-aged children to begin healing from the trauma caused by having an absentee parent.

The Dover Hope Zone is an interdisciplinary justice reinvestment initiative of the Hope Commission in partnership with the Wesley College of Health & Behavioral Sciences and Delaware State University. The Dover Hope Zone provides community-based reentry services to justice-involved individuals residing in the 19901 and 19904 ZIP codes.

For more information, go to

Possum Hall lends space to Neverland starting June 7-9

Possum Point Players’ summer production of “For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday” will be performed from Friday to Sunday, June 7 to 9, and June 14 to 16, in Possum Hall, 441 Old Laurel Road, Georgetown.

The show gives a loving look at a family’s view of life, death and the allure of never growing up. Friday and Saturday showtimes are at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. Adult tickets are $27, and tickets for seniors and students 18 and under are $25.

Free parking is available at the theater, and beverage bar and snack cart service are available in the theater. For more information, go to or call 302-856-3460.

Milk campaign kickoff set June 8 at Redner’s

Redner’s Fresh Market Lewes and the American Dairy Association North East will host a community event from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, June 8, to kick off the Fill a Glass with Hope campaign, an effort to raise money and purchase milk for local families in need. For details on the campaign, go to

Throughout June, shoppers can donate $1, $3 or $5 at any Redner’s or Redner’s Fresh Market location to help stock local food banks with milk. The kickoff event will raise awareness of food insecurity in Sussex County and spotlight the important nutritional benefits of milk.

The event is free and open to the public, and will include a cereal bar for customers, music and a live radio remote broadcast with Froggy 99.9, and opportunities to meet a local dairy farmer and dairy princess.

Redner’s Fresh Market is located at 4120 Zinfandel Lane, Lewes.

According to Feeding America, there are more than 32,000 food-insecure residents in Sussex County, and one in six children in Delaware is facing hunger. Milk is an important source of nutrients critical to children’s development and growth.

Over the summer, children lose access to free milk through school breakfast and lunch programs, increasing reliance on food banks. While milk is one of the most requested items at food banks, it is one of the least donated due to perishability.

Albert Lank Memorial Hymn Sing set June 9

Zion United Methodist Church will host the eighth annual Albert Lank Memorial Hymn Sing from 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, June 9, at 26743 Broadkill Road, Milton. Attendees can enjoy hearing local musical acts and join in singing some favorite hymns in the historic church. Refreshments will follow in the church hall. For more information, contact or find Zion UMC on Facebook.

UUSD to meet June 9

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold an in-person and livestreamed service at 10 a.m., Sunday, June 9, with the topic, Our Melodies Behind Glass: A Musical Window to the Soul. Julie Keefer, director of music ministries, said, “Attendees will experience the essence of music's ability to connect with the soul, like how a glass window both reveals and protects. This year's Music Sunday sets a serene and introspective tone for a day filled with music and contemplation. Making the day even more special, we will be dedicating the window created and built by our very own Rev. Dr. Ron Parks. Bringing to fruition the hopes and dreams of the late Gabriel Zepecki, Ron has handcrafted the new stained-glass window, which captures the very spirit of UUSD.”

The all-congregational annual meeting will follow the service. Only members may vote. For more information, go to

37th RD Dems to meet June 11

The 37th District Democrats will meet at 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, at Sussex County Democrat Headquarters, 21141 Sterling Ave., Suite 5, Georgetown.

The guest speaker will be Trinidad Navarro, Delaware insurance commissioner. He will discuss changes in insurances and coverage issues, and answer attendees’ questions.

For more information, call Becky at 302-245-6602. Light refreshments will be available. 

Delaware State Fair sets hiring event June 11

The Delaware State Fair, a vibrant hub of summer excitement and tradition, is gearing up for the 2024 festivities and is actively seeking enthusiastic individuals to join the seasonal staff. Multiple positions are available, offering a range of opportunities to contribute to the success of this annual celebration. Available positions include: clean team, parking attendants, ticket scanners, gate security personnel, maintenance crew and beer garden servers, who must be ABCC-certified. Interested individuals can apply in person at a job fair from 3 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, in the Dover Building, 18500 S. DuPont Highway, Harrington, or submit applications at the administration office during regular business hours. For more information, go to

Nicola to host dine-and-donate event June 11

Nicola Pizza on Route 1 near Lewes will host a dine-and-donate event from 4 to 9 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, to benefit Delaware State Police Lt. Mark Dawson, who suffered a tragic house fire June 1. Dawson is a former Nicola Pizza employee. There will be a 50/50 raffle and possibly other raffle items, and the restaurant will donate 25% of all dine-in sales to Dawson’s family.

Preservation coalition to screen video contest winners June 11

The Sussex Preservation Coalition will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, at the Lewes Public Library. The meeting will build community engagement to ensure that Sussex County pursues policies and practices that create and sustain livable communities.

The coalition will premiere the three winning videos from its first SPC Youth Environmental Video Contest. This spring, SPC invited high school students to produce three-minute videos about environmental issues of concern in Sussex County. The students who created the winning videos will attend.

Since its founding, SPC has consistently called for policies that promote livable communities. Elements of livable communities include healthy forests and wetlands that provide countless life-sustaining services, and adequate infrastructure including roads, schools, affordable housing and health services. The coalition is now developing an Agenda for Livable Communities that is intended to focus election-year conversations on these critical issues and to provide a framework for elected officials after the elections. 

For more information, go to

Financial strategies for retirees events set June 11-12

Delaware Retiree Connection will offer free educational dinner events to present proactive, updated financial strategies for retirees.

Guests can attend at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, or Wednesday, June 12, in the private screening room at Movies at Midway. Dinner will follow directly next door at 1776 Steakhouse in the Midway Shopping Center north of Rehoboth Beach.

To reserve a space, go to

There is no cost or obligation for attendees; sessions are for educational purposes only, and no products will be sold.

Topics include using money more effectively to increase quality of life, get more-predictable income to enjoy retirement, and align spending with one’s values while combating inflation and reducing tax burdens.

Presenter Len Hayduchok is the founder of Delaware Retiree Connection, and CEO and owner of Dedicated Financial Services. As a fiduciary, certified financial planner and certified life coach, he helps guide others to make the most of their retirement. Investment advisory services are offered through SGL Financial LLC. For more information, go to

Celebrate Wellness to host Orange Party fundraiser June 13

La Vida Hospitality will host its second annual Orange Party fundraiser for its Celebrate Wellness program from 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, June 13, at Big Chill Beach Club in Delaware Seashore State Park. Tickets are $50 and include heavy hors d'oeuvres, an open bar, and creative mocktails. Proceeds will help support the mission of Celebrate Wellness. To purchase a ticket, go to

In support of hospitality workers, Celebrate Wellness offers free classes and a resource library, with a current focus on providing financial assistance for mental health therapy to workers in need.

“Vulnerability should be the new grind in hospitality,” said Kathy McDonald, director of development. “Asking for help should be easier. The Orange Party is extra special for me to plan because we are raising money and awareness for a cause I've been integral in creating and managing.”


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