
Community Briefs 8/14/24

August 14, 2024
Ellendale Family Fun Day set for Aug. 17

The Town of Ellendale will present its annual Ellendale Family Fun Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17, at Ellendale Town Hall and town park areas, 300 McCaulley Ave., Ellendale.

Attractions include a DJ, food trucks, craft vendors, and informational and local business tables. Returning this year is the Kidz Zone with more than 10 free activities for youngsters. At the Kidz Zone Passport station, children can pick up a passport, visit three designated stations and return to the table to be entered to win one of three raffle baskets sponsored by the Ellendale Community Outreach Committee.

Police Chief Bruce Von Goerres will have free backpacks with school supplies to be given to each child attending, and there will be free raffles for children and adults. Also in the Kidz Zone are a DelDOT Bike & Ped Safety Station, Delaware Readiness free book giveaways, face painting, fingerprint art, cookie decorating, a photo op booth and more.

The Ellendale Volunteer Fire Company will have an engine on site for families to explore, and the Delaware State Police helicopter will arrive around noon.

For more information, contact Terrie Ottomano, Family Fun Day Committee chair, at

Local artists in OC plein air festival through Aug. 18

Artists from the Cape Region are among 50 professionals painting local landscapes in Ocean City during the 19th annual plein air festival, Artists Paint OC, ongoing through Sunday, Aug. 18. Local artists include Duggan Siobhan of Lewes, Gerilyn Gaskill of Georgetown, Ed Lewandowski of Bridgeville and Madeline Patsel of Millsboro.

The public is invited to view and purchase art from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Ocean City Center for the Arts, 502 94th St. bayside. The event will include live music, cash bar and hors d’oeuvres. Artists will gather in downtown Ocean City near South Division Street and the Boardwalk to paint from 9 to 11 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 18, and will then bring their work to the arts center for judging. The public is invited to view and purchase art from 1 to 3 p.m. while enjoying live music and a cash bar. There is no charge to attend.

For more information go to or call 410-524-9433.

UUSD to meet Aug. 18

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold a service at 10 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 18, when Rick Welk, lay leader, will present “Destination Unknown.” Welk said, “We cannot just type ‘heaven’ into Google Maps or Waze. It is said that the only way to get there is to lead a good life, do good deeds and spread love. But is that the only way to get there? And who decides who gets in? Also, is heaven our only option for an afterlife? It turns out that there are many options. Maybe it is time to recalculate our direction.” For more information, go to

Millsboro library summer reading program runs thru Aug. 19

Millsboro Public Library has launched its annual summer reading program, themed Adventure Begins at Your Library.

Readers of all ages are invited to embark on a journey filled with books, activities and events designed to inspire a love of reading and exploration.

“Child literacy is a significant problem in Delaware,” said Anthony Connolly, library assistant director, referring to the latest data published by the state. “Our state has dropped considerably in national reading scores, coming in at 37th in the U.S.” Most agree continued investment in literacy programs is paramount in combating declining literacy rates in the state, he said. “One such investment is a summer reading program at public libraries, like ours. There’s a direct benefit for children who participate.”

Program hIghlights include learning challlenges, interactive storytelling sessions and author visits; craft workshops and science experiments; and scavenger hunts, trivia nights and book-themed escape rooms.

The program continues through Monday, Aug. 19. To sign up, go to or stop by the library at 217 West State St., Millsboro.

First State Antique Tractor Club meeting set Aug. 20

The First State Antique Tractor Club will hold its regular meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 20, at the Greenwood VFW at the corner of Governors Avenue and Mill Street, Greenwood. In addition to new business, the club will be reviewing its annual tractor show held in June. Light refreshments will be served. The club is always accepting new members. For more information, go to or contact Maralene Givens at 302-228-2674 or

Legacy Academy sets Aug. 20 open house in Georgetown

Legacy Academy, a classical Christian school, will host an open house from 4 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 20, its new location at 22860 Dupont Blvd., Georgetown. Families considering K-8 education for the upcoming school year can view its classrooms, meet Legacy faculty and students, and learn about the classical model of education. 

“Legacy Academy is the only school of its kind in Sussex County. We invite the community to come discover the classical difference at our open house and see what makes us truly unique. Legacy is excited to forge new partnerships with churches, families and the community as we desire to shape students’ hearts and minds for the glory of God,” said Karen Barbrow, head of school. 

Legacy Academy is currently enrolling for the 2024-25 school year. For more information or to RSVP, go to or call 302-217-3144.

Pet loss support group to start Aug. 22

A support group for people who have suffered the loss of a pet will meet from 12 to 1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 22, at 1632 Savannah Road, Suite 10, Lewes. Sessions continue monthly. The group offers a safe and compassionate space for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet.

The group will be guided by Catrina Stiller, LPCMH-NCC, owner and founder of HealTree. “We aim to foster connection, provide emotional support, and help participants navigate the unique pain that comes with losing a furry family member. Join us to share your experiences, honor your pets, and find solace in the company of others who understand your journey,” said Stiller.

This is a donation-based group.

For more information, go to or call 302-827-4683.

Women’s club school supply drive runs through Aug. 22

The Women's Club of Milton is supporting Milton-area public schools and students in need and will be collecting school supplies through Thursday, Aug. 22. Donations needed include headphones, glue sticks, large erasers, thin markers, 1- and 3-inch three-ring binders, No. 2 yellow pencils, black markers, scissors, Expo dry-erase markers, yellow highlighters, composition notebooks and folders with pockets. Also requested are zip-top sandwich and gallon-size bags, construction paper, pencil pouches, spiral-bound notebooks, handheld pencil sharpeners, colored pencils, plastic sleeve protectors and 16-inch minimum backpacks.

Donations may be dropped off in the front porch bin at one of three locations: 119 Arch St., Heritage Creek community, Milton; 27343 Walking Run, Holland Mills community, Milton; and 234 West Shore Drive, Wagamon’s West Shore community.

Monetary donations can be mailed to Women’s Club of Milton, Box 252, Milton, DE 19968.


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