
Community Briefs 8/28/24

August 28, 2024
Arby’s dual drive-thru opens in Milford

A new Arby’s restaurant has opened its doors at 1032 N. Walnut St., Milford, announced recently by regional franchise owner Cato Gas & Oil. Built from the ground up, the new Arby’s includes comfortable seating for 44 and a convenient dual drive-thru, while bringing 30 new jobs to Milford.

Cato has now opened new locations in Dover and Milford in the past year, as well as acquiring three Arby’s restaurants from another market franchisee in late 2023. “We’re proud to invest in this region, bring new jobs and dining options, and become a part of Milford’s bright future,” said Mike Abercrombie Jr., Cato Gas & Oil president. 

The new Milford Arby’s restaurant will be managed by Tammy Taylor, who has more than 20 years of general management experience in the quick-service restaurant industry.

Elks donate to Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding

The Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge recently gave a $1,000 donation to Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding, a local nonprofit organization that provides opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to enhance their lives with equine-assisted therapies. Executive Director Jo Allegro-Smith expressed thanks and said, “Together we are creating a community of caring and truly making a difference.”

Minority small business program seeks applicants

United Way of Delaware, in partnership with Barclays, announced the opening of the next cohort of the Stand By Me Minority Small Business Program.

This initiative is designed to support and elevate minority-owned small businesses across Delaware, providing them with essential tools and resources to thrive. Minority entrepreneurs face unique challenges that can hinder their business success. With nearly 40% of Delaware’s population comprising racial minorities, it is crucial to ensure that local businesses reflect this diversity in ownership and ideas. The Stand By Me Delaware MSB program aims to boost the impact and sustainability of minority-owned enterprises.

Participants receive one-on-one guidance from seasoned business coaches offering financial advice, innovative perspectives and practical strategies to enhance business performance. The program helps businesses create effective processes, improve customer engagement and foster employee empowerment to drive growth.

Entrepreneurs will connect with a vibrant network of minority business leaders statewide. Successful participants may qualify for grants designed to support and expand their business revenue.

For more information and to apply,

Musical interlude to warm up SunFestival kick-off Aug. 31

CAMP Rehoboth announced Corey Andrew will provide a musical interlude to kick off the SunFestival live auction and show with comedian Joe Dombrowski Saturday, Aug. 31, at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. 

Andrew’s trademarks are soulful vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and a distinct musical presence. He has collaborated with some of the top EDM producers from around the world. Hits include “Dance Floor Emergency” and a  remake of Marshall Jefferson's “Move Your Body.”

Saturday’s event will also feature a live auction of bucket-list-level items, including a spectacular trip for two to Paris including a stay at a luxury hotel, donated by Danny Sebright; a sumptuous Prague and Danube River cruise, donated by Brand g; and a week at an all-gay luxury resort in Puerto Vallarta, donated by Andy Staton and Patrick Saparito.

For more information, go to

Second Glance Fair Trade opening set Aug. 31

A Second Glance Fair Trade Marketplace will celebrate its grand opening from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 31, in Peddlers Village, 20750 John J. Williams Highway, Lewes.

Partnering with gifted artisans around the world, A Second Glance Fair Trade offers ethically sourced fashion and gifts featuring boho-inspired women's clothing, candles, jewelry, home decor and accessories. Fair trade partnership provides jobs, which in turn allows moms and dads to educate their children and in some instances raise them instead of placing them in an orphanage due to lack of income. It also provides security for survivors of domestic abuse and human trafficking.

For more information, find on Facebook.

UUSD to meet Sept. 1

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will host Express Yourself T-shirt and Cap Sunday at 10 a.m., Sept. 1, led by UUSD Lay Leader Rick Welk and the Rev. Dr. Ron Parks, UUSD member and minister ordained by the United Methodist Church. “UUs love to express their feelings, their passions, their commitments and especially their opinions. What better way to do that than with a bumper sticker for the body? So, dig through those closets and drawers. Find a T-shirt or cap that says something meaningful about you, and wear it to this Sunday service as some of your fellow UUSD-ers  tell the stories behind their own T-shirts,” said Welk. For more information, go to

Indian River School District hosting open houses

Schools in the Indian River School District will host a series of open houses in August and September to allow students and parents to meet teachers and staff, view class lists and tour school buildings. 

The 2024-25 school year begins Tuesday, Sept. 3, for students in kindergarten, grades six and nine, and the Howard T. Ennis School, excluding preschool. The first day of school for students in grades one through five, seven, eight and 10-12 will be Wednesday, Sept. 4. Preschool programs including Howard T. Ennis will begin Wednesday, Sept. 11. A number of schools will host multiple sessions, with each session catering to a different grade level. For the full schedule, go to

Blood Bank urges donations thru Sept. 4

As Labor Day weekend approaches, Blood Bank of Delmarva is urging the community to prioritize blood donation and help save lives when the need is especially critical. The holiday weekend often sees a dip in blood donations due to vacations and end-of-summer activities, and as families shift their focus to preparing for the new school year, blood donation tends to be overlooked.

“We often see a drop in donations around Labor Day, but the demand for blood doesn’t take a holiday,” said Steven Corse, Blood Bank of Delmarva executive director. “We encourage all who are eligible to take just an hour of their time to donate blood and make a huge impact on the lives of patients in our community.”

To combat these challenges, all who come to donate through Wednesday, Sept. 4, will be entered to win a $3,000 Target gift card.

Blood donors can give every 56 days, and platelet donors can give twice per month. To make an appointment, visit or call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8.

NARFE lunch reservations due Sept. 5

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association Chapter 1690 Coastal Sussex will hold a luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 12, at 1776 Steakhouse in the Midway Shopping Center, Route 1, Rehoboth Beach. Reservations must be made by Thursday, Sept. 5, via email to Warren Fuller at

Guest speaker will be Jim Bowden of the Delaware Telephone Museum, housed at the Marvel Carriage Museum in Georgetown. Bowden is the curator of a collection of more than 200 antique communications devices.

Payment is due upon arrival by cash or check made out to NARFE Chapter 1690. Attendees are asked to arrive by 11:30 a.m. to facilitate payment and check-in.

For more information, go to

Retirement Bootcamp workshops start Sept. 5

InFocus Financial Advisors Inc. will offer Retirement Bootcamp workshops from 5 to 6 p.m., Thursdays, Sept. 5, 12 and 19, at Lewes Public Library. Retirement Success is the subject Sept. 5. Retirement Investing will be the topic Sept. 12. Savvy Social Security will be discussed Sept. 19.  Classes will cover the importance of basic strategies to plan a successful retirement, how to maximize Social Security benefits and how to position portfolios to last during retirement.

Sponsor Delaware Money School will provide certified financial planner Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC, to instruct the workshop series. Jeter regularly speaks to public and private audiences around the region on various retirement-related topics. His goal is to help people become aware of the challenges of investing in retirement and teach suitable ways to overcome them. Space is limited. To register, go to

Zwaanendael Women’s Club sets info meeting Sept. 5

The GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club will hold an informational meeting for prospective members at 10:15 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 5, at the Lewes Public Library. 

Whether lifelong Sussex County residents or new to the area, all women are invited to come hear about volunteer opportunities that fit all interests and needs, and about ways they can contribute to the community’s quality of life, build friendships and have fun.

Registration is not required but would be appreciated for planning purposes; to sign up, email

Among the many organizations and causes the club supports are What is Your Voice, Home of the Brave Foundation, People’s Place SAFE Program, scholarships for Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing and Cape Henlopen High School students, Lewes Historical Society, USO Delaware, I Support The Girls and Epworth Food Pantry.

Founded in 1905, the GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose members are public-spirited women serving and improving the community.

For more information, go to


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