
Community Briefs 9/4/24

September 4, 2024
Monster Mile to host summer NASCAR event

The Dover Motor Speedway Monster Mile will welcome host America’s best drivers for its 107th NASCAR Cup Series race Sunday, July 20.

The race will be the first take place in July since Richard Petty won Dover’s inaugural NASCAR Cup Series race by six laps on July 6, 1969.

“In addition to the non-stop action that always takes place on the track, our summer race weekend will allow us to expand on the entertainment and activities that contribute to what is now a must-stop event for all NASCAR fans,” said Mike Tatoian, Dover Motor Speedway’s president and general manager. “Our fan zone is the hallmark of our race weekend – and with a summer date, it’s going to be a wild weekend with more unexpected zaniness taking place for fans of all ages.”

For more information, go to

Crooktoberfest special events kick off Sept. 7

Crooked Hammock Brewery will bring a twisted version of Bavaria to its backyard for Crooktoberfest, a month-long celebration running from Friday, Sept. 6 through Sunday, Oct. 6, at the Lewes brewpub. The seriously unserious symphony of food and drink pushes the boundaries of what is possible when Germans plan a backyard cookout.

Special events kick off at 5 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 7, with a stein-holding competition. Dressed in irreverent regalia, owner Rich Garrahan will anoint a dedicated festmaster who will ceremonially tap the first party barrel and start the clock on the competition.

Crooktoberfest will keep things interesting with lots of live German music and kindercrafts activities for the youngsters.

Relay for Life Sussex set Sept. 7

The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Sussex County is set for 4 to 9 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 7, at Sandhill Fields in Georgetown. The Relay for Life movement is the world’s largest fundraising initiative to end cancer.

Relay is not a race, but a short stroll to honor cancer survivors, their caretakers and those who have succumbed to the disease.

The family-friendly event will feature games, music, a bounce house, a car show, food trucks and the traditional luminaria ceremony at dusk.

To register, go to

Browseabout book club meetings to reconvene Sept. 8

Browseabout Book Club, celebrating its 28th year, discusses works of literary fiction, poetry, nonfiction and a range of genres. Members select works for their timely and timeless importance, and uniqueness of perspective. Its next discussion, set for 3 to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 8, will focus on “Heaven and Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride.

Browseabout’s Words That Bleed book club will meet from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 15, for a discussion of “How to Sell a Haunted House” by Grady Hendrix. Led by staff member and published author Kelly Lidji, the club is for fans of horror and suspense.

Browsers Forensic Files, led by staff member and intrepid sleuth Steve Swain, is for true crime and investigative journalism enthusiasts. Its next discussion is set for 3 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 22, focusing on “Mindhunter” by John Douglas.

The book clubs are free to join and require no registration. For more information, go to

Tolerance is UUSD discussion topic Sept. 8

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will host “Where Do You Draw the Line on Tolerance,” an in-person discussion, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 8, at at 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes.

This forum will bring people together for a conversation on how they struggle and find comfort in being tolerant without being harmed, and how they seek conversation with kindness and acceptance. All are invited to seek truth, meaning and purpose in life. The gathering is intended for non-religious and religious people, atheists, agnostics and others who believe in a supernatural world.

For more information, contact Charles Bittner at or go to

UUSD to meet Sept. 8

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold a service at 10 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 8, with the topic “Pagpapalaya: Learning from Asian Liberation Theology.”

Guest speaker Erol Delos Santos, a seminary student at Union Theological Seminary and an aspirant with the UUA, said, “The mainstream definition of liberation theology is a Christian one that focuses on how society thinks about economic, social and political oppression, set against the backdrop of the Americas. Asian liberation theologies explore these same ideas of freedom from different contexts, revealing an expansive, multicultural approach to securing liberation for all people.”

For more information, go to

Tolerance is UUSD discussion topic Sept. 8

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will host “Where Do You Draw the Line on Tolerance,” an in-person discussion, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 8, at at 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes.

This forum will bring people together for a conversation on how they struggle and find comfort in being tolerant without being harmed, and how they seek conversation with kindness and acceptance. All are invited to seek truth, meaning and purpose in life. The gathering is intended for non-religious and religious people, atheists, agnostics and others who believe in a supernatural world.

For more information, contact Charles Bittner at or go to

AARP Georgetown to meet Sept. 9

The American Association of Retired Persons Chapter 5340 will meet at 11 a.m., Monday, Sept. 9, at Pizza King in Millsboro. Individuals pay for lunch of their own choosing.

The guest speaker will be Trinidad Navarro, Delaware insurance commissioner. All are welcome, and no reservations are needed. For more information, email Carol Ann Stone at

Annual 9/11 Memorial Blood Drive set in Dover

For the 19th consecutive year, Dover Motor Speedway and the Blood Bank of Delmarva will partner for a 9/11 Memorial Blood Drive to pay tribute to the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11. Blood donors who register will have the opportunity to drive on the famous Monster Mile NASCAR track. Guests will need to sign a waiver to allow their vehicle onto the track. 

The blood bank asks that guests use the Leipsic Road entrance. They will enter near the start/finish line and donate at the NASCAR Cup Series garage between turns one and two.  

To book an appointment, go to Blood from volunteer donors is needed every two seconds to help meet the daily transfusion needs of cancer and surgery patients, accident and burn victims, newborns and mothers delivering babies, sickle cell anemia patients and more.

Elks to host 9/11 remembrance Sept. 11

To remember the heroes and victims of 9/11 while reaffirming commitment to service and community, Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 will hold an honor and remembrance ceremony at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 18544 Beaver Dam Road, Lewes. The brief event will take place outside near the flagpole, weather permitting. It is open to the public, and all members and their guests.

GriefShare program starts Sept. 11 in Rehoboth

Anyone who is suffering a loss is invited to attend a free GriefShare program starting at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11, at All Saints’ Parish Hall, 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth Beach. 

Weekly sessions will be held where attendees who have lost a loved one in death can support one another at whatever stage of grief they are in, hear from grief recovery experts and walk forward together in hope.

There is no charge to attend. Off-street parking is available in the church lot at 22 Olive Ave. For more information, call Joe Antisavage at 319-389-7183.

Overfalls happy hour set Sept. 12 in Lewes

The Overfalls Foundation’s final summer happy hour will be held from 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 12, at Lewes Canalfront Park.

Sponsored by Groome Church and supported by CAMP Rehoboth, musical entertainment will be provided by singer and acoustic guitarist Regina Sayles.

Attendees can savor a beer or a glass of wine, and enjoy the opportunity to see the ship.

Both the ship and the store will be open to the public during happy hour. There is no charge to attend.

Weather cancellations will be posted on the Overfalls Foundation website,

Pathways student celebration ticket purchases due Sept. 12

Pathways to Success will host a limelight celebration from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27, at Irish Eyes in Lewes.

The event will highlight local high school students in the Pathways program who attend Cape Henlopen, Milford, Seaford, Polytech and Sussex Tech.

Attendees will be able to hear and see their stories, and enjoy mingling with Pathways to Success team members and supporters. 

Guests will enjoy DJ music, dancing, fabulous food and a waterside view.

“We are so proud of our students. Many have overcome barriers and challenges in their lives, and are now well on their way to their path to success,” said Fay Blake, Pathways to Success founder and executive director.

The deadline to purchase tickets is Thursday, Sept. 12, and sponsorships must be submitted by Monday, Sept. 23, at

UUSD to host emergency preparedness seminar Sept. 12

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will host the Sussex County Department of Public Safety for a free emergency preparedness seminar from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 12, at 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes. Attendees will learn how to protect their communities and homes when dangerous weather hits. All are welcome to attend.

Tips on preparing for hurricane season include knowing designated evacuation zones and how to stay informed about upcoming worrisome weather patterns. Participants will learn how to make a disaster kit for emergencies and get hurricane tips. A quick CPR refresher will be offered as well.

The Sussex County Department of Public Safety coordinates emergency preparedness to save lives by reducing the impact of emergencies. Among its many programs and initiatives is the Smart 911 Delaware Emergency Notification System, which directly alerts homeowners by phone of a developing emergency situation. 

To register or for more information, contact Mike Burns at

VegFest to screen ‘Eating for Tomorrow’ Sept. 13

Rehoboth Beach VegFest, joining the Planet Series as Planet Delaware this year, announced it will present "Eating for Tomorrow” a documentary that is both entertaining and alarming.

The screening is set for 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 13, at Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware, 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway, Lewes.

Narrated by Kate Winslet and featuring commentary from some of the world’s best-known personalities and leading scientists, "Eating for Tomorrow" explores the alarming eco-crises of the times and the urgent need for change. The film will deepen viewers’ understanding of the food industry and its ecological challenges, exposing the powerful truth behind how food arrives on people’s plates. With its compelling narrative, the documentary opens up a debate that not everyone is ready to have.

Attendees are invited to stay for a thought-provoking post-film discussion. Complimentary appetizers will be provided, courtesy of VegRehoboth board members.

Attendance is free; tax-deductible donations are appreciated. Nonperishable food items will be collected for the Teach a Person to Fish Society.

To register for the film, and for details about Planet Delaware weekend, go to

IMC-Lewes to host meditation introduction Sept. 14

Insight Meditation Community of Lewes will offer an introduction to meditation workshop from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 14, at St. Peter’s parish hall, 211 Mulberry St., Lewes, and online via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. Meditation teacher Sue Greer will lead the session, which will offer benefits to non, beginning and experienced meditators. The workshop will include specifics of Insight Meditation and short practice sessions followed by discussion. Greer is an active member of IMC-Lewes, has been on a path of spiritual discovery throughout her life, and has been meditating for more than 50 years. For the Zoom meeting link, contact Carolyn Quinn at or 302-604-0132. For more information, go to

Laps for Charity set at NASCAR Monster Mile Sept. 14

NASCAR fans and car enthusiasts can drive their vehicles on the Monster Mile at the next Laps for Charity event Saturday, Sept. 14. Proceeds assist local children in need through Speedway Children’s Charities, Dover Motor Speedway Chapter. Funds will go to nonprofit organizations based in Delaware and the mid-Atlantic, with a concentration on assisting Delaware children. 

For more information and to preregister a vehicle, go to Walk-up registrants are permitted, but first-priority access to the track will be given to early registrants. Directions, track access points, session times and more details will be shared with participants prior to the event.

Legion sets biker bash and poker run Sept. 14

American Legion Post 28 will host a biker bash and poker run from 12 to 6 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 14, at the pavilion, 31768 Legion Road, Millsboro. Live musical entertainment will be provided by Nitro Nitra and Just Sabbath. Food will be available for purchase. Attractions include a tiki bar, biker dunk tank, games and vendors. For more information, call 302-947-0581.

Mispillion Art League to host 20th anniversary gala Sept. 14

A small group of art lovers with a mission to provide community-wide access to quality visual arts programs founded Mispillion Art League in 2004.

To honor those who worked together to form the organization 20 years ago and share how the community has carried their legacy, a 20th anniversary gala will be held from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 14, at Mispillion Art League, 5 N. Walnut St., Milford.

The organization began by hosting a few classes and semiannual exhibits along with establishing an outreach program. Now, the league offers around 80 classes and more than five exhibits annually, and provides outreach classes to students from KSI, Salvation Army Creative heARTS and Home of the Brave.

Supporters in attendance will enjoy hors d’oeuvres from local restaurants and live music provided by The Music School of Delaware. A silent auction will feature artwork from talented and long-standing league members as well as a bit of interactive artsy fun. For more information, go to

Shredding event to benefit What is Your Voice Sept. 14

The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Desmond Council No. 13348 will hold a document-shredding fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 14, at St. Jude the Apostle Church, 152 Tulip Drive, Lewes. The shredding truck is equipped with a video camera to allow viewing as documents are securely shredded. Donation is $10 for a letter-size box (8.5-by-11-inch printer paper) and $20 for a legal-size box (8.5-by-14-inch printer paper). A full 100% of proceeds will be donated to What Is Your Voice, a 501c3 nonprofit corporation that provides holistic crisis care and intensive aftercare for women and children in Sussex County who are survivors of domestic violence. 

Delmarva Antique Bottle show set Sept. 15

The Delmarva Antique Bottle Club Show and Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 15, at the Ellendale Volunteer Fire Co. hall, 302 Main St., Ellendale. Beautiful antique bottles of all types will be for sale. There will also be insulators, tabletop collectibles and ephemera. EVFC Ladies Auxiliary will be selling sandwiches and refreshments. Admission is $3. For more information, contact Keith at 302-684-8138 and find Delmarva Antique Bottle Club on Facebook.

Republicans for Sussex to host ice cream social Sept. 15

Republicans for Sussex will host a free ice cream social from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 15, at American Legion Post 28 pavilion near Millsboro. Community members are welcome to meet candidates in attendance.

Republicans for Sussex is a political action committee comprising presidents and other leaders of Republican clubs in Sussex County. Its mission is to coordinate efforts to connect with friends and neighbors in broadening awareness of Republican elected officials and candidates who will sincerely and honestly work for the future well-being of the local communities. Republicans for Sussex also raises money to support candidates.

Speedway Children’s Charities donation applications due Sept. 15

Speedway Children’s Charities-Dover Motor Speedway Chapter is seeking applicants for its next round of charitable donations. NASCAR fans and car enthusiasts can drive their vehicles on the Monster Mile at the next Laps for Charity event Saturday, Sept. 14.

“In 2023, 16 local organizations received donations totaling $80,000 on behalf of SCC-Dover, and we plan to continue to grow that figure every year to help as many children as we can,” said Gary Camp, SCC-Dover executive director and Dover Motor Speedway vice president for marketing and communications. “Our team works all year long at our many events to raise funds with the help of our generous race fans and donors. We are excited to be able to distribute the funds to worthy children’s charities in our region later this year.”

SCC-Dover’s focus is raising funds for nonprofit organizations based in Delaware and the mid-Atlantic, with a concentration on assisting Delaware children. The deadline to submit applications is Sunday, Sept. 15. To apply, go to Donations will be presented to the chosen groups in December.

Free prostate screening deadline set Sept. 16

By providing complimentary screenings, Bayhealth is committed to helping community members stay at the forefront of their health. To recognize Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the Bayhealth Cancer Institute is providing free prostate screenings, by appointment only, Saturday, Sept. 21 at Bayhealth Radiation Oncology, Kent Campus, 640 S. State St., Dover.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers and the second-leading cause of death from cancer among Delawarean men. The American Cancer Society recommends annual screenings beginning at age 50. High-risk groups are recommended to begin preventative screenings at age 40.

To schedule, call the Bayhealth Cancer Institute at 302-744-6562 by Monday, Sept. 16.

For more information, go to

Yes2Health sessions kick off Sept. 17

Yes2Health, a program of the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, will host multiple sessions this fall.

Weekly 30-minute educational programs include fitness, health and wellness education to help participants pursue active and healthy lifestyles.

Virtual groups will meet from 5 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Sept. 17 to Nov. 19. In-person classes will meet from 9 to 10 a.m., Thursdays, Sept. 19 to Nov. 21, in the meeting room at Rehoboth Beach Public Library. 

No-cost, interactive cooking classes also are offered to help participants learn a new culinary skill while preparing a healthy recipe. Classes are taught by Dee Iraca, founder of Eat Well Chef. Registered attendees will be sent the shopping list, recipe and Zoom link. Participants do not need to be part of Yes2Health to take the cooking classes.

Upcoming cooking classes are set for 5:30 to 6:45 p.m, Tuesdays, Sept. 17 to Nov. 12.

For registration information, go to

PAWS for People Wag & Walkathon to start Sept. 19

PAWS for People, a Newark-based pet therapy nonprofit, will host its annual, month-long cumulative Wag & Walkathon from Thursday, Sept. 19 to Saturday, Oct. 19.  This year’s fundraiser will step off with a Facebook live event. The month of mileage tracking and fun challenges will conclude with a Furry Fall Festival celebration from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Oct. 19, at Delcastle Park in Wilmington.

“We are so grateful to everyone in our community who has embrace the spirit of this unique event,” said Clarice Ritchie, PAWS for People executive director.  “It is our largest fundraiser of the year, and the proceeds enable us to bring healing pet therapy programs to those who are truly impacted by visits with our amazing therapy pets.”

The cumulative marathon concept allows individuals to log their 26.2 miles by walking anytime at their own pace throughout the month. Participants can run or walk individually, with a pet or with friends.

To learn more and register, go to

PAWS for People is committed to providing hope, encouragement and comfort to people in need through interaction with a gentle, affectionate pet. 

Apply by Sept. 20 for volunteer child advocate training

The Office of the Child Advocate - Court Appointed Special Advocate Program of Delaware is expanding its efforts to represent the interests of abused and neglected children. The program is seeking qualified adults to serve as CASA volunteers.

Trained community members are appointed by a Family Court judge to be a voice for Delaware’s abused and neglected children in court proceedings. The CASA volunteer conducts an independent investigation into the child’s life, and provides information and recommendations to the judge. CASA volunteers work with attorneys, social workers and family members to attain a safe and permanent home for each child.

CASA volunteers have varied professional, educational and ethnic backgrounds. They are selected on the basis of their objectivity, competence and commitment. Each volunteer accepted into the program must complete 30 hours of initial training. Casework supervision is provided by full-time program coordinators.

The problems of child abuse and neglect belong to everyone. The deadline to apply for Sussex and Kent county training is Friday, Sept. 20. For more information, contact Lauren Brueckner at 302-245-1895 or To apply online, go to

CHEER sets Sept. 20 bus trip to Lancaster flea market

CHEER Inc. will host a bus trip Friday, Sept. 20, to visit Green Dragon Farmers Market & Auction in Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pa. The market occupies a 60-acre site in the heart of Amish Country. Since its inception in 1932, it has become one of the largest flea markets on the East Coast, with seven large buildings and over 100 local vendors. For more information, go to All seven main buildings are handicap accessible. The restrooms in buildings 1 and 7 are handicap accessible. However, wheelchairs and electric scooters are not available. Patrons should bring a pull-along cart to carry purchases. Cost of the bus trip is $45 per person, with participants to eat independently at one of the market options. Departure will be at 7:30 a.m. from the CHEER Community Center at 20520 Sand Hill Road, Georgetown. The bus will return at approximately 6 p.m. To make a reservation, call Robin Greene at 302-853-4199. Reservations are first-come, first-served. The public is invited.

Delaware health assessment public comment due Sept. 20

The Delaware Division of Public Health and Delaware SHA/SHIP Partnership Coalition are seeking public input on the draft 2023 Delaware State Health Assessment, a statewide assessment identifying the primary health needs of Delawareans. The SHA is conducted every five years and will inform the co-creation of a State Health Improvement Plan with the participation of stakeholders from many sectors. To see a copy of the SHA draft plan and the link to the public comment survey, go to To submit comments directly, email The deadline for comment submissions is Friday, Sept. 20.

Led by the University of Delaware’s Epidemiology Program and Partnership for Healthy Communities, and the assessment uses the Vital Conditions Health and Well-Being framework for guidance. Vital conditions are the factors that all people need all the time to be healthy and well, and to reach their full potential. They include reliable transportation, thriving natural world, basic needs for health and safety, humane housing, meaningful work and wealth, lifelong learning, and belonging and civic muscle (ability to make change). According to the plan, pursuing SHIP-wide priorities will lead to multiple solutions across these vital condition areas.

Multiple myeloma support group to meet Sept. 21

The Delaware Multiple Myeloma Support Group meets every third Saturday of the month, with occasional exceptions. The next session will be from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, at Milton Public Library. Guest speaker Paula Waite, a Beebe Healthcare chaplain, will discuss advance healthcare planning. For more information, go to or email Sue Iwahashi at

Rainbow of Hope cancer survivors service set Sept. 22

The Miracle Angels Cancer Mission Ministry of Israel United Methodist Church invites the community to its inaugural Rainbow of Hope worship service in celebration of cancer survivors at 10 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 22, at 20230 Plantation Road. All cancer survivors, families, caretakers and friends are welcome to attend a service of reflection, remembrance, honor and celebration, and wear their cancer survivor ribbon color attire in honor or memory of loved ones to form a rainbow of hope. Luminaria bags that have been purchased prior to the service will be lighted and displayed throughout the church. Beebe Oncology Center representatives will be in attendance to receive a gift to the patient special needs fund.

Estate-planning mistakes session set Sept. 23

The Delaware Money School will offer a free class on Common Estate Planning Mistakes from 5 to 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 23, at Lewes Public Library. Led by instructor Deirdre O’Shea McCartney, Esq., the class covers common estate-planning mistakes and how to avoid them. It will explore some common myths about estate planning and offer suggestions on how attendees can optimize their financial future and legacy for their own and their loved ones’ benefit. Having written, spoken and taught on the subject many times, McCartney breaks down a complex subject to understandable layman’s terms. Everyone should be aware of these mistakes and be able to consult with their attorney and financial advisor on a plan to correct them. To register, go to

Pet loss support group continues Sept. 26

A support group for people who have suffered the loss of a pet will meet from 12 to 1 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 26, at 1632 Savannah Road, Suite 10, Lewes. Sessions continue monthly. The group offers a safe and compassionate space for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet.

The group is guided by Catrina Stiller, LPCMH-NCC, owner and founder of HealTree. “We aim to foster connection, provide emotional support and help participants navigate the unique pain that comes with losing a furry family member. Join us to share your experiences, honor your pets and find solace in the company of others who understand your journey,” said Stiller.

This is a donation-based group. For more information, go to or call 302-827-4683.

Catholic Diocese sets Marian pilgrimage Sept. 28

The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington announced the Rev. Sebastian White, OP, editor-in-chief of Magnificat magazine, will be the keynote speaker at its annual Marian pilgrimage. This year’s event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace at Holy Spirit Church, 12 Winder Road, New Castle. The day will begin with a morning mass at 10 a.m. and conclude with the 4 p.m. vigil mass that fulfills the Sunday obligation, with Bishop William Koenig presiding. In addition to White’s presentation, the pilgrimage will also include confessions, the rosary and Eucharistic adoration.  The Marian pilgrimage is free and open to the public. For more information, go to

Cinema Art Theater to host free OperaDelaware show Sept. 28

OperaDelaware of Wilmington is partnering with the Rehoboth Beach Film Society for a free outdoor pop-up concert to be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29, in the Cinema Art Theater parking lot at 17701 Dartmouth Drive, Lewes. Admission is open to the public. Attendees may bring lawn chairs and the family for an afternoon of live performance.

Concessions and adult beverages will be available for purchase. In case of rain, the event will be moved inside to the main theater. 

OperaDelaware’s Kerriann Otaño said, “With pop-up opera, OperaDelaware brings the phenomenal voices of our artists to every corner of the First State. We are so excited to participate in the rich arts scene in Rehoboth.”

For more information, go to

Israel UMC women set fish fry Sept. 28 

Israel United Methodist Church Women in Faith will host a fish-fry dinner fundraiser to support its mission ministry from 12 p.m. until sold out, Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Rabbit's Ferry Community Center, 19112 Robinsonville Road, Lewes. For $20, each fish fry platter includes two sides, string beans and potato salad with cornbread or corn pone, dessert and drink. One fish sandwich is $10. To reserve takeout orders, contact Katina at 302-236-8654. 

Walk to benefit Huntington’s Disease Society Sept. 28

The Northeast Region of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America will host the Delaware Team Hope Walk Saturday, Sept. 28, at Cape Henlopen State Park, starting from the main beach pavilion. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the walk starts at 10 a.m. All proceeds support the society’s mission to improve the lives of people and their families affected by Huntington’s disease.

The national grassroots fundraising event takes place in over100 cities across the U.S. and has raised more than $28 million for HD since its inception in 2007. 

Huntington’s disease is a fatal genetic disorder that causes progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. It deteriorates a person’s physical and mental abilities during their prime working years and has no cure. Every child of a parent with HD has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the faulty gene. Today, there are approximately 41,000 symptomatic Americans and more than 200,000 at risk of inheriting the disease. The symptoms of HD are described as having ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – simultaneously.

To register, go to

Delaware Farm Bureau T-shirt design entries due Sept. 30

The Delaware Farm Bureau invites all youngsters with a connection to agriculture to unleash their creativity for its T-shirt design contest.

Designs will be judged based on creativity, originality and representation of farm bureau values. The winning designer will receive two complimentary tickets to the Delaware Farm Bureau annual banquet Saturday, Dec. 14, when they will be honored for their achievement.

Eligibility is open to anyone 18 years and younger with a connection to agriculture, including but not limited to 4-H and FFA members.

Designs must include the phrase “Delaware Farm Bureau,” and contestants are encouraged to feature DEFB’s tagline, Local Farmers Feeding Your Family. Each design should use no more than three colors and be original work. To submit a 300 dpi high-resolution digital graphic, go to The deadline to enter is Monday, Sept. 30.

Music inspired by dolphins set Oct. 1

Delaware composer Guillermo Silveira will appear at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 1, at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library, 226 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach. He will present “Music on Delaware's Beach Dolphins,” a set of instrumental pieces inspired by the dolphins of coastal Delaware. Light refreshments will be served. To register, go to the calendar of events at

Delaware Real Estate Summit set Oct. 2

The Delaware Association of Realtors, in partnership with the Home Builders Association of Delaware and the Delaware State Housing Authority, will host the Delaware Real Estate Summit from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 2, at Bally’s Resort and Casino in Dover.

Exploring the past, present and future of Delaware’s real estate market, presenters will cover topics including the impact of the 2007-08 financial crisis, current market trends and upcoming affordable housing initiatives. Attendees will hear from industry experts, government officials and developers discussing key issues, financing strategies and future development plans.

“Our goal with the 2024 Delaware Real Estate Summit is to bring together professionals across the state to share knowledge, address challenges, and explore opportunities shaping Delaware’s real estate market. By connecting experts and leaders, we aim to provide actionable insights and foster collaboration that benefits our communities and the broader industry,” said Wes Stefanick, Delaware Association of Realtors CEO.

For more information and to register, go to

Dialogue Toward Ending Racism sessions kick off Oct. 2

Registration is now open for Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice’s seven-week Dialogue Toward Ending Racism sessions. The program is free to all participants.

Online sessions will start at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 2. In-person sessions will begin at 10 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 5, at Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams Ave., Lewes. Exploring the root causes of bias and systemic racism, groups of eight to 15 individuals will watch videos, read articles and talk honestly, sharing experiences, questions and ideas. Each two-hour session will be led by trained facilitators. 

More than 200 Sussex County residents have taken the course, now in its fifth year. Participants report that the program is an excellent way to meet new people and make new friends.

For more information and to register, email or go to

Catholic Diocesan Eucharistic Congress set Oct. 5

The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington will host its Eucharistic Congress at 8 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Ocean City Convention Center, Ocean City, Md. Keynote speaker will be Bishop Richard Henning, archbishop-elect of Boston. There will be faith-based vendors, a ministry fair, and breakout sessions in English and Spanish, tailored to various interests and age groups. There will also be opportunities for adoration and reconciliation. The Congress concludes with mass presided over by Bishop William Koenig. For more information, go to

Wings & Wheels is children’s toy drive drop-off Oct. 5

The Greater Georgetown of Commerce announced Wings & Wheels will be a drop-off location for the annual Cars & Coffee Toy Drive in support of Nemours Children’s Hospital. New toys may be dropped off in the car show registration trailer at Wings & Wheels, Saturday, Oct. 5, at 21553 Rudder Lane, Georgetown. Toys will be loaded into exotic cars and dropped off at the hospital with a car show during the toy distribution. For more information, go to

TangerKids educator grant applications due Oct. 18

Tanger Outlets Rehoboth continues its commitment to investing in the local community with the launch of the 2024 TangerKids Grants Program. Applications are being accepted through Friday, Oct. 18, at

Tanger Outlets invites Delaware educators to identify and apply for grants meeting their school’s specific needs as they work to create a more productive and inclusive learning environment.

Launched in 1996, Tanger’s program has contributed more than $3.4 million to school-focused initiatives in the communities it serves. In 2023, Tanger awarded $168,000 to fund over 140 grants to schools and programs across the U.S., supporting equipment upgrades, inclusion initiatives, interactive learning spaces, hygiene and clothing closets, literacy efforts, STEM and more.

This year, Tanger has earmarked 70% of total grants for support of underserved schools, accessibility programs and student needs. Faculty members at public and private schools from pre-K to grade 12 are eligible to participate. Award recipients will be announced in January.

Breast cancer group sets Monster Mile Walk Oct. 19

The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s 14th Annual Monster Mile Walk for a Cause will feature a 1-mile walk and fall fest from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 19, at Homestead Gardens in Smyrna.

The coalition and Homestead Gardens partnered to expand the event to include family-friendly activities, music, games and food. “On the lush grounds of Homestead Gardens in Smyrna, you’ll weave through thousands of seasonal plants and activities guaranteed to bring out the green monster in you,” said Hayley Ross, Homestead Gardens marketing manager.

Businesses can support this event as sponsors. Anyone interested can register a team or participate as an individual. Funds generated support the coalition’s programs to increase breast cancer awareness, promote the importance of early detection, provide access to mammograms, and offer support and resources to men and women in the greater Delaware region who are newly diagnosed with or facing recurrence of breast cancer.

For more information, go to

Dining with Diabetes sessions to start Oct. 23

The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension will host Dining with Diabetes, a five-session workshop, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednesdays, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 6 and Nov 23, with a reunion Feb. 5, at  Sussex County Extension Office, Carvel Center, 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown.

Designed for people with diabetes and their families, and open to anyone with or without diabetes, the series includes diabetes education, cooking demonstrations and tasting of healthy foods. Attending all sessions is recommended. Participants will learn strategies to manage their diabetes through meal planning, food selection, portion control and label reading. The fee for the series is $50.

To register, go to and click on the Dining With Diabetes section in the middle of the page. For more information, contact Kimi Moore at 302-730-4000 or

Theatre N to present film festival preview Nov. 2

The Rehoboth Beach Film Society announced Theatre N of Wilmington will present a one-day preview showcase Saturday, Nov. 2, for the 26th Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival.

The festival will be held from Wednesday to Sunday, Nov. 6 to 10, at the Cinema Art Theater outside Lewes.

“Theatre N will launch its own independent film festival in April 2025 and welcomes the opportunity to host the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival for its local Wilmington community,” said Andrew Larason, Theatre N executive director.

The partnership will include a reciprocal showcase festival of film titles screened at the Cinema Art Theater from the Theatre N festival program produced in spring 2025.

“This film festival partnership will bring award-winning 2024 festival titles to the First State from multiple genres benefiting Delawareans from Sussex to New Castle counties, all while raising the profile of the Blue Hen regional filmmakers across all film genres,” said Helen Chamberlin, Rehoboth Beach Film Society executive director.

For more information, go to and

Mount Calvary UMC to celebrate Nov. 17

Mount Calvary United Methodist Church will observe its annual family and friends day and 153rd church anniversary at 3:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17, at 28 Church St., Bridgeville. Hosting pastor is the Rev. Frances Fitchett. Guest preacher will be the Rev. Jacquela Horsey, along with her choir and congregation of the Grasonville-Carmichael Charge, Grasonville, Md. The theme for this celebration is Don't Look Back, Isaiah 43:18-19. There will be a freewill offering taken and a meal served after the service.  For more information, contact Pat Lee at 302-337-8198. 

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