
Consortium student didn’t deserve coverage

September 27, 2024

I love the good old Cape Gazette, but there was an article in the Sept. 17 edition regarding a young man who attends Sussex Consortium who caused destruction to his classroom. I do not think any members of this fragile population should be publicly humiliated. They deal with enough on a day-to-day basis.

This school serves a fragile population of young adults who have mental, physical, receptive and expressive language challenges, and intellectual disabilities up to the age of 22. Shouldn’t we give these kids some latitude and privacy? I don’t understand why this kid’s name and photo were placed in the Cape Gazette or any public forum. I think it is cruel and harmful to this young man and his family. He attends that school for help and support.

Our 19-year-old daughter attends Sussex Consortium, and I recall this young man being so kind and welcoming to us the first day I dropped her off at Sussex Consortium. Many of these kids endure daily challenges that most of us could never imagine.

Maria Foster

Editor’s note: Given that both the school system and Delaware State Police determined it was appropriate to charge the young adult with a felony and sent a press release to media organizations, the Cape Gazette made the decision to publish the police report. With gun violence in schools being top of mind for many parents, the Cape Gazette believes the benefit of public safety outweighs the concern for personal privacy in this particular matter.


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