Cape Gazette readers & Accent on Travel Advisors, Kristen Smith and Reilly Scott recently cruised on the Silver Muse by Silversea Cruises for an 11-day roundtrip Alaska cruise out of Seattle, Washington. They visited Ketchikan, Sitka, Icy Strait Point, Skagway, Juneau and Dawes Glacier/Endicott Arm.
Reilly wrote to the Gazette after returning from the cruise to share some of her tips about cruising in Alaska. “One of the best ways to see Alaska, in my opinion, is from sailing the inner passage,” said Reilly. “There is no better way to be completely surrounded by every element of natural beauty Alaska has to offer. There was an abundance of life everywhere you looked, from the sky and the sea, to the bustling small towns waking up after a very long lock down. You can cover so much ground and not lose an ounce of the scenery in transit. It is a trip I would take again and again.”