Several members of the Major Nathaniel Mitchell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution attended the annual meeting held at the Chase Center in Wilmington April 13. At that meeting, new officers were elected.
State officers and their chapters are as follows: Regent Gloria Lester, David Hall, Lewes; Vice Regent Barbara Seningen, Cooch's Bridge, Newark; Chapter Carolyn Foxwell, Mary Vining, Seaford; Recording Secretary Janet Leishman, Cooch's Bridge, Newark; Corresponding Secretary Valerie Leary, Caesar Rodney, Wilmington; Treasurer Denise Clemons, David Hall, Lewes; Organizing Secretary Susan McKenna. Caesar Rodney, Wilmington; Registrar Catherine Hudson, Major Nathaniel Mitchell, Georgetown; Historian Frances O' Reilly, David Hall, Lewes; Librarian Donna Josefowski, Colonel John Haslet, Dover.
The regent and vice regent will be officially installed at Continental Congress in Washington, D.C., in June. President General Ann Dillon of Colorado wanted the 101 attendees to see their representatives accept the duties of their respective offices along with the other Delaware officers. The term of office for these officers will expire in 2022.
Dillon gave a motivational speech regarding the importance of maintaining members in the society. She made many suggestions that could be implemented by the chapters. She was very complimentary of State Regent Susan Meade Beachell for her exemplary service and leadership over the last three years. Dillon praised the Delaware Daughters of the National Society of the DAR for having three members on the Board of Management for the first time. This is the maximum number any state is allowed to have serve simultaneously.