DART workshop on proposed bus service changes set Aug. 7
Delaware Transit Corporation invites its riders and the public to attend a public hearing workshop to provide input and comments on proposed changes to DART Statewide Bus Services to become effective Sunday, Nov. 17. The Sussex County meeting will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 7, at Georgetown Public Library, Meeting Room B2, 123 West Pine St., Georgetown. Several of the proposed changes are recommendations coming out of the final report of the DART Reimagined study that concluded earlier this year.
A prerecorded presentation of DART’s proposal also may be viewed online through the end of the comment period Friday, Aug. 16, at dartfirststate.com/Outreach/PublicHearings/index.shtml. The summary of proposed service changes, maps and schedule proposals are available online, at the Lewes Transit Center and at the Georgetown library.
The workshop will begin with an open house format allowing attendees to view proposed schedules, interact with staff, receive clarification and fill out comment forms. The remainder will include a presentation of the proposed service changes, followed by public testimony for those wishing to provide public comments. The public comment portion will be transcribed by a hearing reporter, and time will be allotted for anyone wishing to make private comments directly to the hearing reporter.
For a summary of proposed changes, maps and schedule proposals, go to DartFirstState.com.