The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays held its 18th annual Decked Out event Sept. 12 at the Hyatt Place Dewey Beach and also celebrated its 30th ‘pearl’ anniversary. The fundraiser garnered more than $10,000 to support projects that preserve, protect and restore Delaware’s three Inland Bays.
Decked Out guests celebrated the center’s 30th anniversary year with Inland Bays oysters, a signature pearl anniversary cocktail, and live music by the Back Bay Trio and Reedo. Live and silent auctions featured special nature-themed outings like Inland Bays boat tours and private experiences at the James Farm Ecological Preserve.
New this year was the 30th anniversary art raffle, where attendees could purchase tickets to win one of 30 unique art pieces generously donated by local and regional artists. The night also marked the announcement of the center’s Watershed Society, a giving opportunity that recognizes people who have provided for the center in perpetuity through a bequest, other planned gift, or lifetime contributions of $50,000 or more.
“The Center for the Inland Bays is fueled by the generous spirit of our hardworking partners, fabulous volunteers, and of course, our financial donors. From amongst them all, stars arise,” said Christophe Tulou, CIB executive director. “With our new Watershed Society, we recognize Austin F. Okie (aka "Pete"), one of Sussex County's brightest stars. Pete lives his love for his county's wild lands and wildlife, and his generosity has set the standard for those who also cherish this special place we call Delaware's Inland Bays."
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