Delaware Botanic Gardens appoints new director of horticulture
Ray Sander, president of Delaware Botanic Gardens, announced that the board of directors has appointed Brian W. Trader, PhD, as the new DBG deputy executive director and director of horticulture effective Thursday, Aug. 1.
Sander said, “As we evolve from building a garden to operating a public garden, we knew that we needed to expand our talented team. With the addition of Brian Trader, we have a distinguished, professional horticultural leader to help guide DBG’s long-term growth.”
Trader has worked over the last nine years at Longwood Gardens, the recognized gold standard of public gardens. He has demonstrated a rare combination of intellectual expertise, management leadership and practical horticulture experience.
As director of domestic and international studies at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa., Trader has been a teacher and mentor to hundreds of future horticultural leaders. He has lectured extensively, and has authored and co-authored dozens of journal articles. Sander said, “Brian Trader is the right person to take this new role as deputy executive director and director of horticulture. His addition to our team is happening at the right time as DBG opens to the public in September 2019.”
Trader holds a doctorate in horticulture, a master’s degree in life sciences, and a bachelor’s degree in horticulture, all from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. He was chair of the Membership Advisory Council, National Association of Landscape Professionals, and is currently a board member of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
Trader said, “As a Delmarva native, I couldn’t be more excited to join a passionate team in the opening of new gardens for our coastal communities. The opportunity to enrich the lives of Delmarva residents and guests through our inspiring and educational gardens is a dream. I would be remiss if I did not tip my hat to the many volunteers from board members to garden stewards and hospitality docents who have brought this new and fast-growing public garden to life.”
Sheryl Swed, DBG executive director, said, “This is a great opportunity for DBG and for Brian. We are fortunate to have a Longwood Gardens veteran join our executive team. Brian has all the experience and tools to help us to move this legacy garden forward.”
Carol McCloud, DBG vice president and volunteer coordinator, said, “Our volunteers are eager to learn more about our native horticulture and gardening. Brian’s credentials, professional experience and dedication to education will enhance all of our volunteers’ experience at DBG.”
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