
Delaware, democracy need Claire Snyder Hall

July 2, 2024
Dr. Claire Snyder-Hall's candidacy for Delaware's 14th District representative seat offers optimism and hope that we can fortify and preserve our democracy, and assure all residents of Delaware that we the people are the ultimate power in a democracy. In reviewing her educational and professional work, it is apparent that Snyder-Hall has devoted her life to working on behalf of our American democracy and for those who are its benefactors. She has prepared herself through a lifetime of educational investments, including a doctorate in political science from Rutgers University, and 20 years of teaching, including 12 years at George Mason University, about all aspects of the democratic and political processes. She is the published author of five books, all dealing with specific issues within our democracy, and has written many articles regarding America's democracy and its politics.
Snyder-Hall's ongoing work as a political activist and advocate further supports her strong qualifications for excellent leadership. During her five years as director of Common Cause Delaware, a grassroots national organization with over 1.5 million members that works to protect and strengthen  democracy, she fought against voter suppression, promoted transparency in campaign financing and stood for ethics in politics and policy. Snyder-Hall has also given a tremendous amount of volunteer hours working with community and political groups who share her commitment to excellent government on behalf of all the people it serves. She has worked steadfastly on behalf of other candidates, and has spent much time advocating and lobbying for legislation that will support the basic needs of individuals, families and children. Her priorities further indicate her awareness of the critical needs of local and state constituents. These priorities include reproductive freedom, environmental resilience, healthcare for all, sensible and coordinated development, an expanded transportation system, economic justice and excellent public education.  
Dr. Snyder-Hall  is so well prepared and qualified to represent all of us in the Delaware General Assembly. Every aspect of her life has been dedicated to good and open government. I am confident that this very capable woman will continue to work on behalf of our democracy and its people.
I support her candidacy and encourage others to vote for Dr. Claire Snyder-Hall.
Charlotte King
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