
Delaware Farm Bureau receives national recognition

February 28, 2021

Delaware Farm Bureau received national recognition in January for its support of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture.

During the federation’s annual convention in January, the Scholar Award was presented to the Delaware Farm Bureau and other top farm bureaus with the highest total donations to the foundation within their membership groups.

The Delaware Farm Bureau also received an Apex Award, which honors state farm bureaus that have increased total contributions to the foundation by 10 percent or more over the previous year, according to AFBF.

"In spite of everything that has happened over the last year, this award shows just how dedicated the membership of our Delaware Farm Bureau is to educating our communities about agriculture,” said Richard Wilkins, Delaware Farm Bureau president. “Our farmers and ranchers help carry us through this pandemic every day, and the foundation helps enhance their roles in our community through education and community support. Our membership knows that those elements are critical to the future successes of the agriculture industry, and it shows thanks to the Scholar Award."


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