On Oct. 11, the city council for the City of Lewes approved an ordinance to restore the residential fire sprinkler requirement in new construction homes in Lewes. The council has been studying this change through the summer. Lewes and the surrounding area have had several major fires over the past few months, as well as a sprinkler save in the Jefferson Farms neighborhood. By restoring the residential fire sprinkler requirement in their building code, City of Lewes leaders have taken positive steps to reduce fire damages in their city, as well as protect their first responders. Huge thanks to the members of Lewes City Council, Building Official Robin Davis and City Manager Ann Marie Townshend for all their efforts.
Also a big shout-out to our Lewes Fire Department friends Past Chief Gordon Davis, Past President Charlie Arnold and firefighter Ed Rush for attending the meeting and keeping track of the progress while I was driving over from work.