
Delaware Hospice dedicates memorial walkway

More than 150 attend ceremony
June 11, 2011

Delaware Hospice held a dedication ceremony for the Pathway of Memories brick campaign May 21 at the Delaware Hospice Center in Milford.

More than 150 family members who honored a loved one, and individuals who were honored themselves by a brick donation, attended the emotional event, where many shared personal stories of how Delaware Hospice’s care helped them.

Susan Lloyd, president and CEO, welcomed guests and thanked them for their support of the campaign, whose proceeds will be directed to Delaware Hospice’s programs and services in the community.

She said, “We’re here today to mark the beginning of the commemorative brick walk and to acknowledge the lives that have been touched who are memorialized here. We look forward to seeing our Pathway of Memories grow with the continuing support of the community as we continue to create a tribute to our loved ones."

Miford’s Vice Mayor Katrina Wilson spoke to guests about the wonderful care her grandmother received. She said, “We couldn’t have made it without Delaware Hospice’s help; you are a wonderful organization.”

Paul Homlish of Milford took the opportunity to share his story and to express his appreciation for the support and care his wife received through her illness.

Sue Bernetich, associate director of individual giving, organized the dedication ceremony and was pleased with the event. “We had a wonderful turnout. The weather couldn’t have been better. People crowded around their bricks, wiping their eyes, taking photos, and making rubbings of their bricks. It was so touching; they all wanted to share their stories about loved ones' experiences with Delaware Hospice.”

Delaware Hospice launched a brick campaign last year as a way to honor a family member or friend while contributing to the work of Delaware Hospice. The beautiful pathway, lined with bricks, links the gardens to the lobby of the patient/family suites.

The Pathway of Memories brick campaign is ongoing, and anyone interested in participating may learn more at, at Help Us Help Others, or by calling the Development Office at 800-838-9800. Each spring and autumn, bricks will be placed along the pathway, and supporters will be invited to attend a dedication event.

For more information about Delaware Hospice’s programs and services, upcoming events, or employment opportunities, call 800-838-9800 or go to



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