Delaware Memorial Bridge cash toll to increase April 1
The Delaware River and Bay Authority will implement a new cash toll rate effective Tuesday, April 1, for all vehicle classes at the Delaware Memorial Bridge. This first phase of a two-phased toll structure plan establishes a cash toll rate of $6 for passenger vehicles and an additional $1 per axle for commercial vehicles. The DRBA Commission approved Resolution 24-54 at its November monthly meeting, which set into motion the two-phased plan for bridge toll rates.
“This first phase affects only cash-paying customers at the Delaware Memorial Bridge,” said Thomas J. Cook, DRBA executive director. “Because all E-ZPass rates – including commuter and discount plans – are unchanged, approximately 79% of our customers will not be impacted with this new toll rate. The goal of this initial phase is to encourage Delaware Memorial Bridge users to transition to E-ZPass.”
Cook noted that neighboring toll agencies are expected to proceed with cashless tolling operations soon, and the authority needs to be prepared for that eventuality.
“Our first goal is to increase E-ZPass penetration among Delaware Memorial Bridge customers at or greater than 90%, with the second objective of setting toll rates sufficient to fund an aggressive capital improvement program for our crossing facilities in subsequent years,” Cook said. “Significant investment in our infrastructure, which is dictated by its age, condition, operating environment and heavy volume of usage, continues to be our top priority.”
All New York toll agencies, Pennsylvania Turnpike Authority and Maryland Transportation Authority are cashless. Delaware’s newest toll facility, US 301, opened all cashless. The Atlantic City Expressway is expected to go live with cashless tolling in 2025.
The second phase of the toll structure plan will be effective no earlier than Thursday, Jan. 1, 2027, and would affect all toll classifications.
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