Department of Safety and Homeland Security Secretary Nathaniel McQueen Jr. delivers the commencement address to the Class of 2023. JASON BURLEW PHOTOS
May 22, 2023
Ka’Von Brittingham graduated with a degree in human services.
Faith Marvel graduated with a degree in agribusiness management.
Jose Moran graduated with a degree in communications.
Preparing to lead the processional are (l-r) Christy Moriarty, dean of instruction; Dr. Bobbi Barends, vice president and Owens Campus director; and Dr. Mark Brainard, college president.
Kaniah James graduated with a degree in human services.
Delaware Technical Community College celebrated commencement May 16 for the Class of 2023 at its Owen Campus in Georgetown. The class included 525 graduates. The average age of graduates was 27. The youngest graduate was 18 years old; the eldest was 64.