Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association turns 100
The Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association turns 100 years old in 2021. To celebrate, the association has printed a commemorative table-top book.
During an interview Jan. 18, association Executive Manager Warren Jones said the book has been in the works for some time now. In addition to all the state’s volunteer fire companies, he said it includes information on Wilmington Fire Company, a professional fire department, and other emergency medical service organizations. The book contains historic and current photos of company facilities and firefighting apparatus.
“It’s a pretty cool book,” said Jones. “It’s a nice piece of memorabilia.”
The association was formed Feb. 24, 1921, when two representatives from each of nine companies across the state attended a meeting in Milford. The first regular convention was held July 1 that year. According to the book, the association has held annual conventions every year since, except for a three-year span during World War II – 1942, 1943, 1944 – and last year because of COVID-19.
Jones said the association had been working on events to celebrate the anniversary, but he’s not sure how many will happen because of COVID-19. He said there was going to be a gathering to celebrate the organization of the association in February, but that’s already been canceled.
The status of the annual convention in July is still unknown, said Warren.
The book comes in hard or soft cover, for $20 or $10, respectively. The association has also made challenge coins to celebrate the anniversary. Coins cost $10.
For more information on the Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association, go to To purchase a copy of the book or coin, contact the DVFA office at 302-734-9390 or email