DelDOT officials gather to stress work zone safety
Delaware Department of Transportation employees and representatives of contractor Mumford & Miller Concrete Inc. joined April 13 to spread the message of safety during National Work Zone Awareness Week.
The event took place in the middle of a major intersection improvement project along Route 24 in the Long Neck area.
“Safety is always a top priority for the public and our workforce,” said DelDOT Secretary Nicole Majeski, adding the theme of the campaign this year is: “Drive like your family lives here.” Posters and media displays include family photographs of DelDOT employees. “We wanted to add a personal note to the campaign by featuring members of our DelDOT family.”
Majeski said on any given day, there are 80 active DelDOT work zones across the state with hundreds of employees and contractors on the job. DelDOT employees wore orange shirts April 13 to honor the families who have lost loved ones in work-zone crashes. In addition, the Indian River Inlet bridge will be lit with orange lights.
Kim Cheeser, director of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety, said April is also Distracted Driving Awareness Month. She said motorists entering work zones need to obey slower speed limits; take extra caution and watch for workers, pedestrians and cyclists; be prepared for sudden stops; and be aware of possible delays. “There should be no distractions, with 100 percent of your attention in work zones,” she said.
Todd Willits, project manager for Mumford & Miller Concrete, said new technology is being used to better monitor work zones with real-time information, and direct communication with DelDOT and Delaware State Police.
He said the technology should help reduce the number of work-zone crashes, which are increasing in every state.