DelDOT provides updates on eastern Sussex projects
The Delaware Department of Transportation will be spending $250 million on projects over the next six years in just the Five Points area alone. In total, DelDOT plans to spend $1.37 billion across Sussex County during the same time frame.
“Significant investment to really try and catch up, and to try to improve safety,” said Shante Hastings, DelDOT deputy director and chief engineer, during the Five Points Working Group meeting Jan. 30.
The investment includes major projects such as the Minos Conaway Road grade-separated intersection, which is planned to begin construction by the end of 2023. But it also involves smaller projects, such as installing new traffic lights at dangerous intersections, lengthening turn lanes and reconfiguring intersections.
Andrew Bing of Kramer & Associates, who facilitates Five Points Working Group meetings, said input from the working group and the public has been valuable in encouraging DelDOT to spend more money in Sussex County.
“The focus, the energy, the commitment [working group members] have all brought and the public has brought has really helped in terms of creating this investment in this area,” he said. “I think it shows the success of this process and shows us the commitment of the department and the county to really try to address a lot of these issues.”
Hastings provided an update on nearly two dozen projects Jan. 30.
Route 9 at Minos Conaway Road - This is the site of a Christmas Eve hit-and-run crash that killed three people. DelDOT added a right-turn lane from Minos Conaway Road onto westbound Route 9 in 2022. DelDOT is now moving forward with a traffic signal. Hastings said design was already underway when the fatal crash occurred, and the signal should be installed by the end of 2023.
Route 9 at Nassau Commons Boulevard - A traffic signal is planned for Route 9 at Nassau Commons Boulevard to accommodate the new Redner’s Fresh Market grocery store and future commercial units. DelDOT has signed a signal agreement with the developer. The signal will be timed with the recently installed light at Old Vine Boulevard. Installation is anticipated for this year.
Lewes railroad swing bridge - The swing bridge was removed from the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal last year, but work to restore the canal banks was halted during the summer. The bridge, one of only a few left in the country, was transported to the end of American Legion Road, where the Lewes Junction Railroad & Bridge Association created a display. Presence of hazardous materials slowed down the project, Hastings said. Crews are now finishing an overlook and fishing pier on the eastern side of the canal.
Phase 2 Route 24 improvements - This project widens Route 24 from Mulberry Knoll Road to Love Creek. The road will be dualized from Mulberry Knoll Road to west of the entrances to Beacon Middle School and Love Creek Elementary. Additional improvements will occur to the Love Creek bridge. The contract was recently awarded, with construction expected to begin this spring. A traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Route 24 and Mulberry Knoll Road. Hastings said it will occur early in the project, but she cannot guarantee it will happen before summer.
New Road bridge - This project will replace the bridge over Canary Creek in Lewes. DelDOT is working on right-of-way acquisition, and utility work is expected to begin this fall. Roadway construction will begin fall 2024 with completion in 2025. After the project is completed, DelDOT plans to add shoulders and multimodal facilities along New Road. Design is slated for fiscal year 2025.
Cave Neck Road, Sweetbriar Road, Hudson Road - An all-way stop was installed at the intersection of Hudson Road and Cave Neck Road in 2022 as a short-term solution for this dangerous convergence of three roads. Sussex County Council provided funding to fast-track a permanent fix, which DelDOT engineers have determined is a five-leg roundabout. Design is underway and the state is beginning right-of-way acquisition. Construction is slated to begin fall 2024.
Route 1-Cave Neck Road grade-separated intersection - A project to create an overpass at the intersection of Route 1 and Cave Neck Road is in the design phase. Right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to begin later this year. Construction is slated for 2025.
Route 1-Minos Conaway Road grade-separated intersection - This project will create a road for vehicle access under the Nassau Bridge. Currently only the Lewes-to-Georgetown Trail goes under the bridge. Service roads will be built near Route 1 on both the north and south sides of the bridge for access. Right-of-way acquisition is underway. Construction is slated to begin by the end of 2023.
Old Orchard Road realignment - This project will align Old Orchard Road with Wescoats Road at the existing traffic signal on Savannah Road. Right-of-way acquisition is underway. Utility relocation will begin this fall, with construction beginning in fall 2024.
Kings Highway improvements - This project includes major improvements to the stretch of Kings Highway from Dartmouth Drive to Freeman Highway, including roadway widening, five roundabouts, and multimodal upgrades for shared-use paths and sidewalks. DelDOT has been working with Delaware Greenways and business owners. “They asked us to bring in a national consultant to just look at what we proposed based on the master plan and our concept design,” Hastings said. “We’ve done that, and work is underway with their review and recommendation.” Hastings said she hopes to have the consultant’s report this spring. Additional public outreach will happen after that. “The hope is we will have consensus and be able to move forward with design. The schedule is a little different than we had originally proposed, but we feel like it’s important to make sure we get the decision-making right up front, so we can rock and roll through design.”
Route 1-Old Landing Road turn lanes - This project will lengthen the turn lane on southbound Route 1 at Old Landing Road and eliminate one of the two turn lanes on northbound Route 1 into the Rehoboth Mall shopping center. Design is nearly complete. The goal is to begin construction this spring. If delayed, construction will occur this fall.
U-turns at Five Points - U-turns are currently prohibited at the Five Points intersection. This improvement would modify the islands along Route 1 to allow for U-turns. This plan has been rolled into the Minos Conaway Road grade-separated intersection project.
Route 1 at Holland Glade Road traffic signal - A new entrance to Tanger Outlets directly across from Holland Glade Road will be added, allowing for a four-way traffic signal to be installed on Route 1. The light will allow southbound traffic to make a left turn onto Holland Glade Road, alleviating backups at the Shuttle Road intersection. An easement has been obtained and right-of-way acquisition is complete. Hastings said she’s hopeful construction will occur this year.
Airport Road extension - This project would extend Airport Road from its current T intersection at Old Landing Road out to Route 24. Project design is underway. No time frame for construction is available yet.
Route 9 widening - This project would widen Route 9 from Route 1 to Old Vine Road to two lanes in each direction. Design started last year. Construction is slated for FY 2029.
Beaver Dam Road widening - As part of the Henlopen Transportation Improvement District, Beaver Dam Road is proposed be widened to two lanes in each direction from Route 1 to Dairy Farm Road. Improvements to the intersections of Beaver Dam Road, Dairy Farm Road and Fisher Road would be included in the project. Design is scheduled for FY 2026.
Mulberry Knoll Road extension - This project would extend Mulberry Knoll Road from the current T intersection at Cedar Grove Road out to Route 9. Hastings said a planning study resulted in two recommended options. The next step is to get consensus and begin design, which would start in FY 2028.
Postal Lane improvements - This project would improve the section of Postal Lane from Linden Lane to Route 1 by adding shoulders, sidewalks and a bike lane to address multimodal issues. Design is funded for FY 2028.
Shady Road improvements - This project would improve Shady Lane with shoulders, sidewalks and turn lanes to improve operations and safety.
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