DelDOT set to extend trail into Rehoboth Beach
Work to extend the Junction and Breakwater Trail into downtown Rehoboth Beach is on track to begin in spring 2019.
Delaware Department of Transportation spokesman C.R. McLeod said the plan calls for a continuous, multiuse trail from Hebron Road to the Rehoboth Beach Museum, through Grove Park and down Henlopen Avenue to Ocean Drive.
Rehoboth Streets and Transportation Committee Co-chairwoman Kathy Osterholm said the city will build the part of the path that will pass through Grove Park. The city will use crews working on the force main for the city’s ocean outfall, which will pass under the park. Osterholm said DelDOT would reimburse the city for the work afterward.
McLeod said the city portion of the trail will be open by summer. DelDOT will connect to the city’s section at Grove Street and continue the trail down Henlopen Avenue leading toward Cape Henlopen State Park.
DelDOT plans for the trail to use existing roads in West Rehoboth: from Hebron Road to Central Street and Canal Crossing Road to Church Street. From Church Street, the trail would go down Rehoboth Avenue Extended, over the bridge and veer left at the Rehoboth Beach Museum.
On the canal bridge, DelDOT plans call for an 8-foot sidewalk and two 4-foot bike lanes all on the westbound side, and a 5-foot sidewalk and 5-foot bike lane on the eastbound side.
The trail would pass behind the museum, along the canal and curve into Grove Park to connect with Henlopen Avenue. From there, riders can connect with Ocean Drive to get to the state park.
Previously, DelDOT had proposed a mixed pedestrian/bicycle sidewalk on the bridge and using the sidewalk at the circle to get bicyclists to Henlopen Avenue. DelDOT scrapped those plans when they met with skepticism from the public and city officials.
The streets and transportation committee plans to discuss signs, pedestrian crosswalks and other issues related to the trail project at its next meeting, 10 a.m., Friday, Feb. 23, in the city commissioners’ room.