A developer is seeking rezoning to construct a convenience store at the corner of Route 24 and Angola Road, location of a current home construction office and marine storage company.
Kirk Salvo – KH Sussex LLC has filed to rezone the 3.5-acre parcel from AR-1, agricultural-residential, to C-3, heavy commercial. The existing business is operating under a conditional use.
Mike Ryman of Becker-Morgan Group, the developer's attorney, said obtaining the rezoning is the first step in a long process that will require site-plan approval as well as review and approvals from Delaware Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Sussex Conservation District, Delaware Fire Marshal's Office, Tidewater Utilities and Sussex County public works.
At the commission's Aug. 23 public hearing, he said DelDOT has plans to improve the Route 24-Angola Road intersection with additional turn lanes and realignment of Robinsonville Road. In addition, Ryman said DelDOT would require the parcel's main entrance to be off Angola Road with a right-in, right-out turn along Route 24.
He said with the proposed improvements, the level of service at the intersection would be C on weekdays and D on weekends. “Those are acceptable levels by DelDOT standards,” he said. “We need the rezone first,” said attorney Dennis Schrader. “We can't get into any details at this point because it will all be site-plan issues.”
No one spoke in favor of or opposition to the application. The commissioners deferred on a vote.
County council's public hearing is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 25, in the county administration building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown.
According to county code, C-3 is generally intended for larger-scale, auto-oriented retail and service businesses along major arterial roads that serve local and regional residents as well as the traveling public. In addition to most commercial uses – including banks, offices and medical facilities – in this zone, automobile, truck, recreational vehicle and boat sales, rental and major repair facilities may also be located in this district.