Cape Gazette reporters occasionally suggest topics for our editorials. This week Ellen Driscoll, who has been covering Dewey Beach for several years, suggested the following. The editorial board saw no reason to rewrite Ellen’s firsthand observations.
“This is my fourth summer covering the town, and I have never witnessed a higher level of competency, professionalism and courtesy than I am now.
“Commissioners met in person for the first time last Friday night. You could tell they were all motivated and happy to be there. Also in attendance were Town Counsel Fred Townsend, Town Manager Bill Zolper, Police Chief Sam Mackert, Accounting Clerk Sheena Gossett, Building Official Daune Hinks and Administrative Assistant Kate Banaszak, who runs the livestream. Since Zolper has been onboard, Mackert, Gossett and Hinks have regularly attended Zoom meetings. Zolper said department heads will also attend from now on in person. They were a great resource to have on hand when questions arose.
“Commissioners have been getting a lot done, with no arguments or drama, which took over past meetings. Commissioners make thoughtful comments and decisions, and have a strong sense of financial responsibility.
“At the end of the meeting, all commissioners and town manager have the opportunity to make comments. Zolper has made comments every meeting on what has been accomplished and what is being worked on. It is a lot. On Friday night, Commissioner Gary Persinger asked him incredulously – how long have you been here? Only 6 months. Everyone I have talked to about Zolper is impressed with the way he is managing the town and his visibility.
“Perennial town council watchdog Jeffrey Smith is now working in conjunction with the town on the 5G issue. On Friday night, he even got up and spoke in favor of the kids’ Running of the Bull. Alex Pires is working with the town to host a COVID vaccination event at one of his businesses. Steve ‘Monty’ Montgomery held one last month. The Dewey Business Partnership is back in full force with its events post-COVID.”
What a pleasure to recognize when things are working well for a town that has had its struggles doing so in the past.