
Dewey Beach couple celebrates 50th anniversary

August 17, 2023

Diane and Bill Hanson of Dewey Beach recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding, which took place in Windsor, Conn., in 1973.

Diane was formerly from Ohio, and Bill was originally from northern Maine. They first met in Connecticut in 1971.

They have lived in Hartford, Conn., and West Chester, Pa. When they moved to West Chester, the couple began coming to the Delaware beaches, and they purchased a condo and a few rentals in Dewey over the years before officially moving to Dewey Beach in 2006.

Bill worked as an engineer. Diane worked in pharmaceutical sales and eventually started her own consulting firm, specializing in management development and teamwork, which she operated successfully for 30 years.

They did not have children of their own, but did take in an 18-year-old girl who was in need of a home shortly after their move to Dewey Beach. They now consider her their daughter.

Diane was elected as a Dewey Beach commissioner in 2007. She served for 10 years on town council, with six years as mayor. She is largely credited for starting the transition of Dewey Beach to a family-friendly beach town.

The couple celebrated their anniversary with a small gathering of friends and relatives at Victoria’s Restaurant in Rehoboth. The Hansons are now both retired, and are enjoying the wonderful atmosphere and beauty of Dewey Beach.


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