
Disappointed by offshore wind resistance

October 4, 2024

As a past resident of Rehoboth Beach, I am disappointed at the continued resistance to offshore wind power. I now live in the UK, and we closed our last coal-fired power plant Sept. 30 – the first in the world was built here in 1882. We are sixth in the world for renewables, and it is predicted that in 2025, there will be times in the year when all our electricity will be from renewables, though a few years later for that to be constant.

We have offshore wind everywhere, and onshore is becoming bigger all the time, with planning rules relaxed to make sure we meet our targets for clean energy. Some of the installations have actually become tourist attractions. No signs yet of the kind of issues that your detractors predict.

Hopefully common sense will prevail over there too.

Bill Atkins
Crewe, Cheshire
United Kingdom
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