
District 6, you deserve nothing but the best

October 21, 2022

A question for the voters of District 6. Do you want a seasoned, collaborative and consummate professional and constituent-focused representative like Steve Smyk with an established track record of constituent service? Or, do you want a new candidate for District 6 who is a developer from Milford, masquerading as a viable candidate, to serve the interests of you, the voters of District 6? The answer is obvious. Rep. Steve Smyk will bring and maintain a 10-year history of bipartisan representation, reaching across the aisle to get the job done! When it comes to constituent representation, experience matters! We can't afford the next four years with a new legislator who has never spent a day in public office. 

So who is Russ Huxtable? A name I’ve never heard before, until the announcement of his candidacy. Now, all of a sudden, he’s a fair housing guru and community expert. He is a paid developer. Where was he before then? Huxtable is not a public servant – he is a developer. He is paid to develop housing projects that keep low-income earners trapped in a cycle of poverty. Huxtable doesn't even work in Sussex County; his organization is out of Milford. How can he put the best interests of constituents first when his job directly conflicts with the needs and challenges of District 6?

Smyk is the right choice! Steve has been instrumental in coordinating services, communication and collaboration of different resources all throughout the 6th District. His ability to maintain relationships and assist constituents with a variety of needs solidifies why he is the right choice for Senate. Steve has earned the support of so many in our community, not by making vague and open promises or by tearing down his opposition with negativity, but through his years of activity within his district by participating in and attending local events, volunteering at fundraisers, and being there for his neighbors and fellow citizens. Steve has created a legacy of service that will continue to represent District 6 in the Senate. He has been a friend to law enforcement, municipal services and the fire, rescue, and EMS service throughout Sussex County. 

Huxtable has worked to misrepresent Steve Smyk’s vote on Senate Bill 5. He voted against the bill because there were significant concerns at the time that its language could have expanded the scope of legal abortion to include viable infants. The sponsors of the bill were unwilling to clarify its language to address these concerns. As a result, he and other legislators had to oppose a bill they might have otherwise supported because of the obstinacy of the measure's sponsors. Smyk's record speaks on its own merits. Huxtable has no voting experience whatsoever and is up against a living legacy of relentless constituent service. Huxtable's shock and appall campaign scheme is despicable.

Let's keep Steve's level of service all the way to the Senate! 

Robert J. Schappert III


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