DNREC police officers get in the gift-giving spirit
Just in time for Christmas, and with a little help from Santa Claus, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control police officers and Secretary Shawn Garvin donated hundreds of toys Dec. 12 to Toys for Tots.
Piloted by Cpl. Kyle Wharton, Santa Claus made his delivery to the Indian River Marina’s visitor dock. Garvin and half a dozen officers unloaded the toys from the boat, then placed them into trailers owned by DNREC police.
The toys were donated by the public and employees at DNREC offices and state parks. They will be distributed to children across the state whose parents or guardians are unable to brighten their holidays with gift giving.
The general consensus among the group was that this program has been happening since 2015.
Toys for Tots is a program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. The program was founded in 1947. According to its website, it has distributed 652 million toys to 291 million deserving children. For more information on how to participate, go to toysfortots.org.