DNREC sets public hearing on US Wind project
In response to offshore wind developer US Wind continuing down a path toward construction, a slew of public notices soliciting public comment and advancing a public hearing were recently issued by the state.
Years in the making, US Wind’s proposed project comprises up to 121 wind turbine generators, up to four offshore substations, up to four offshore export cables and one meteorological tower in ocean waters due east of Ocean City, Md. The offshore export cables are proposed to land at 3R’s Beach, north of Bethany Beach, and interconnect into a proposed substation that would be constructed on land adjacent to the Indian River power plant.
Overall, the project as proposed would permanently impact about 1,836 acres of open-water habitat and would include the dredging of material to facilitate construction of the offshore wind project and associated infrastructure.
Nancy Sopko, US Wind’s senior director of external affairs, said US Wind is pleased that the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control permitting process is underway.
“DNREC’s role in evaluating our projects’ impacts on state lands and waters cannot be overstated,” she said. “We’re confident that our extensive work and analyses helped to inform applications that will mitigate project risks while delivering significant environmental and economic benefits for the people of Delaware. We look forward to participating in DNREC’s public events, sharing information about our project plans, and hearing from local citizens.”
The first round of notices was issued in late April by DNREC’s Coastal Management Program. It is related to federal consistency certifications for the project’s construction and operations plan, and a review of licenses and permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Comments concerning these certifications will be accepted through Wednesday, June 5. For additional information, go to de.gov/dnrecnotices or call 302-739-9283.
DNREC published a second round of notices a short time later. The Division of Water issued notices for a subaqueous lands permit, a water quality certification and a wetlands permit. Copies of these permit applications and supporting documents are available online at de.gov/dnrecnotices. For more information, contact DNREC’s Matt Jones by email at matthew.jones@delaware.gov or at 302-739-9385.
The Division of Watershed Stewardship also issued a notice for a beach preservation coastal construction permit. For more information on this application, contact DNREC’s Jennifer Pongratz at jennifer.pongratz@delaware.gov or at 302-608-5502.
In addition to the public notices, DNREC has scheduled a public information session at Beacon Middle School, 19483 John J. Williams Hwy., Lewes, from 4 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 5.
There will also be a joint virtual public hearing at 6 p.m., Tuesday, July 9. DNREC will be accepting written comments on the second round of public notices through Monday, Sept. 9. For more information on how to submit public comments or how to get more information on the notices, contact Nikki Lavoie, DNREC chief communications officer, at 302-739-9902 or by email nikki.lavoie@delaware.gov.