
Donovan-Smith project on schedule in Lewes

Residents getting water, sewer as part of annexation
July 9, 2024

The Lewes Board of Public Works says all residents of the Donovan-Smith manufactured home community will be connected to city water and sewer on schedule.

At its monthly progress meeting July 3, BPW officials said all sewer connections will be completed by the first or second week of August. Water connections will be completed by the middle of September.

“We made great progress last month and expect that to continue,” said Vince Luciani of engineering firm George, Miles & Buhr.

There are about 80 properties in the community.

During BPW’s monthly meeting June 26, BPW General Manager Austin Calaman attributed the progress to the lack of rain.

“We can attribute that to dry soils,” he said. “It’s a double-edged sword. I know we’re in a drought, but they’re not fighting the de-water issues that there originally were.”

The city annexed Donovan-Smith in 2022. It agreed to provide all residents with free water and sewer for the next 20 years.

For years, Donovan-Smith residents have fought owner Ken Burnham, claiming he has let their community deteriorate. They had been living with overflowing septic tanks, crumbling streets and a decaying electric system.

Burnham refuted some of the residents’ claims at a public hearing in September. He said there have never been any toxic materials there and that he has always taken care of any violations.

The city approved a conditional-use ordinance in December that brings the community up to the current zoning code. 

Burnham has said he wants to add about 30 new homes to the community.

Once all of the water and sewer connections are completed, BPW will pave all of the streets in the community and Donovans Road. 

The entire project must be completed by the end of November.


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