
Drago has fewer potential conflicts of interest

October 23, 2020

Voters living in the 3rd District can choose this year between two candidates with strikingly different backgrounds. Will they choose Mark Schaeffer, a highly partisan commercial Realtor with past experience in construction who promises to control unchecked development, or Patti Drago, a nonpartisan retired businesswoman committed to balancing economic growth with preserving what’s best in Sussex?

The next council person faces significant challenges. Once a seasonal problem, Eastern Sussex now contends with traffic congestion on a daily basis and year-round. Development consumes open space at an amazing pace, altering forever the serene rural landscape that attracted so many transplants to the area.

Flooding is a recurring problem in some areas even as rising sea levels and worsening storms pose long-term threats. The quality of life seems to be declining before our eyes with little that anyone can do about it. Eastern Sussex fueled much of the county’s economic growth over the past three decades by supporting tourism and attracting retirees. Along with farming, these are the county economy’s most important drivers. Large landowners, developers, builders, and Realtors have profited from the many new residents and the growth of tourist-based businesses.

When it comes to controlling growth, Schaeffer’s argument seems to be “It takes one to know one.” That is, as a Realtor with experience in construction, he can help the council work more effectively with the interests that drive Sussex growth while also contributing to its problems.

But another adage suggests the need for caution: “Don’t let a fox guard the henhouse.” It’s not impossible that a Realtor can rise above conflicts of interest to exercise control, but is it probable? Schaeffer’s deep Republican ties ensure that he will become part of the same governing group that has helped usher in the very problems that now require attention. For evidence, see the recent endorsement from current council member John Rieley in the Cape Gazette of Oct. 16.

Patti Drago lacks any such conflicts that would limit her independence, either professional or partisan. She has demonstrated her willingness to tackle tough problems throughout her career in business and her community activism since moving to Sussex. Letters to the editor testify to her personal commitment and strong work ethic. Much of what Julianne Murray has said about her own candidacy for governor applies to Patti Drago, as well: “A fresh approach is needed…Delaware does not need more of the same, it needs someone with ex perience in the private sector who will be beholden to the people and not the special interests.” (Cape Gazette Oct. 16 p. 52)

Write in Patti Drago’s name on Nov. 3.

Joseph A. Pika
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