Drop off pillow and blanket donations by Dec. 6
Local residents may not know that more than 200 homeless children live in the Cape Henlopen School District.
Many of these children lack essential supplies to live a healthy life. They may lack things most people take for granted, such as food, beds, even pillows or blankets to lay their heads on at night. Going to sleep at night on the cold floor, or maybe an old couch or in a bed with multiple siblings and no blanket to keep warm is the reality for many of the homeless children in the school district every day.
To help change this, the Cape Henlopen School District and local partners are supporting an initiative called Sleep in Heavenly Peace to collect new pillows, pillowcases and blankets for homeless youth.
This initiative began in 2016. Last year, community members donated more than 700 pillow sets and blankets to homeless students, which made a tremendous positive difference in the lives of many. It has been proven that a good night’s sleep is essential to a productive and healthy mind.
Something as simple as a pillow, pillowcase and blanket could make the difference between a student passing or failing an exam, a class or the school year. Confidence might blossom in a young mind after passing an exam. Receiving a pillow or blanket can affect a child emotionally. Simple gifts can change the lives of hundreds of students and the community.
This year, organizers would like to surpass providing 700 pillow sets and blankets for all 200 homeless students. To contribute to this year's pillow, pillowcase and blanket drive for Cape Henlopen students, community members may bring donations to the Sussex Family YMCA or the Debbie Reed Team in Rehoboth Beach, or Atlantic Millwork and Cabinetry in Lewes across from Nassau Valley Vineyards. The deadline to drop off items is 2:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 6.
For more information, contact Shawna Stienmann or David McDowell at 302-645-6686 or david.mcdowell@cape.k12.de.us, Vincent T. McDowell at 302-644-1405, or Ashley Savage at 302-510-1226.