Lewes residents have packed a number of meetings recently, often to voice their displeasure.
For starters, many residents say they were left out when it comes to regulating the city’s annexation zones. Residents blasted council for meeting behind closed doors to discuss zoning related to the 34-acre Brittingham property and then attacked council’s decision for allowing what opponents say are too many units on the land.
Residents also turned out to oppose Fishers Cove, along the Great Marsh, concerned development could inundate their own properties. They also showed up to debate parking regulations, bad behavior on Lewes Beach and most other issues Lewes Mayor and City Council have taken up.
The Cape Gazette applauds residents who show up for meetings, express their views and take part in civic affairs, and Lewes residents are certainly among the most active anywhere. In addition to town council and committee meetings, residents also power Lewes in Bloom, the Overfalls Foundation and its Dirty Hands Gang, friends of Lewes library and the state park, the historical society, farmers market and many other groups.
Yet with all this civic spirit, there has not been a single contested city council election in Lewes since 2014, while for mayor, there has been no contested election since 1998.
Contentious elections at the national level may have deterred people from becoming involved at the municipal level. But elections don’t have to be bitter battles.
Make no mistake, Lewes has a great mayor in Ted Becker. Still, elections lie at the center of our democracy, giving everyone a chance to review the past and articulate plans for the future.
Elections also give voters an excellent chance to hold their representatives accountable. None of that happens when there’s no contest.
It’s not too late to throw your hat in the ring. To run for mayor of Lewes, a candidate must file a form from City Hall before 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4.
Candidates must be at least 21 years old, a full-time resident of Lewes for at least one year and must not have been convicted of a felony.