
Editorial: Moskowitz, Persinger best choices in Dewey

September 7, 2018

Dewey Beach voters will go to the polls Saturday, Sept. 15 to choose two commissioners for two-year terms. Based on experience and skills, demonstrated knowledge of town issues, and sustained participation in town government in recent years, we endorse incumbent Gary Persinger for another two-year term, and Investment Committee Chairman David Moskowitz for his first two-year term.

Persinger is a 30-year property owner in Dewey, and has watched and been involved in the town through much of its development as an incorporated municipality. His ideas for better communications, developing strategies for protecting the low-lying town against documented sea-level rise, and removing conflicts between town code and charter to clarify lines of authority speak to his level-headed approach.

With accommodations taxes on their way to becoming Dewey’s chief source of operating income, along with parking fees and fines, and transfer taxes, and feeling a somewhat softer rental market this summer, Persinger sees a need to refocus on an analysis of revenue streams and to dedicate percentages of revenue for street maintenance and other infrastructure. That all makes good fiscal sense.

As an active member of Dewey’s investment committee and with strong financial credentials, Moskowitz’s participation has helped shepherd the town into a fiscally sustainable position. He’s passionate about seeing the town be fair and impartial in its dealings with residents and property owners, with uniform enforcement of rules. He sees the development of internal controls and strict accountability from department heads as low-hanging fruit to be plucked for the benefit of the town.

He also believes the city manager should run the government with oversight from and accountability to the commissioners. We’re all for Moskowitz’s calls for open government, and training for all in involved in Dewey government so they’re on the same page about what constitutes public documents and public information.

Well into its fourth decade of being an incorporated community, Dewey Beach has demonstrated its staying power.

Moskowitz and Persinger have the best credentials and proven commitment of the three candidates to further strengthen the town’s stability.


  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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