Elks bring Valentine’s Day cheer to Stockley Center residents
The Valentine's Day celebration was in full swing Feb. 14 when 10 members of Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 of Lewes brought gifts and delight to Stockley Center residents and team members.
The Elks community outreach committee members have had their eyes on serving the Stockley Center for several years, but they had to wait until strict COVID restrictions were lifted before visiting. Since then, lodge volunteers have developed close relationships with the center residents and staff.
Located in Georgetown, the Stockley Center is a Medicaid-certified care facility for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The 50-bed facility provides both intermediate and skilled nursing care for individuals with a variety of medical needs, as well as assisting residents to meet their physical, mental, personal and social goals.
Elks Exalted Ruler Joy Lynn Schreck, also a local performer, provided musical entertainment, inspiring lots of dance moves by all. Each resident also received a bag of Valentine cards personally signed by Elks members, and a special Valentine balloon.
Led by Elk Barb Gilsenan, members are always being encouraged to join the group that regularly visits Stockley Center residents and hosts them as guests at the lodge.
It is a source of great pride for the Cape Henlopen Elks to support a greater connection with all members of the community; part of its motto is Elks Care – Elks Share.