
Estate planning professionals enjoy sunset cruise

June 2, 2024

Members of the Southern Delaware Estate Planning Council gathered for an enjoyable end-of-year social event on the Cape Water Taxi in Lewes.

Robert S. Jeter II, council president, said about 25 members joined in for a memorable sunset cruise along the tranquil Broadkill River. Against the picturesque backdrop of the setting sun, professionals from various disciplines, including accountants, financial planners, insurance agents, trust advisors and estate attorneys, came together to celebrate and foster camaraderie within the estate planning community.

A multidisciplinary organization, the Southern Delaware Estate Planning Council is dedicated to supporting collaborative efforts in the estate planning profession and community. With a diverse membership base, the council aims to provide its members with opportunities for professional growth, networking and staying informed about pertinent topics in estate planning.

"Our primary objective is to establish and support collaborative efforts in the estate planning profession and community," said Jeter. "We welcome interested professionals to join our council and contribute to our shared goals."

The council meets several times a year to discuss topics relevant to estate planning needs, including laws, taxation, wealth accumulation, conservation and transfer. Through these meetings and events like the end-of-year social, the council strives to assist its members in rendering the best possible professional service to their clients and communities.

"Our goals include fostering cooperation, promoting understanding among members, and providing a forum for discussing relevant topics in the context of estate planning," said Jeter.

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