Fourth Street Preserve campaign heads for homestretch

When the Greater Lewes Foundation kicked off its campaign to buy the Fourth Street Preserve almost two years ago, Chair Jim Ford saw it as a marathon.
Now, he sees it as a sprint to the the finish, as the group has a Sept. 15 deadline to raise $8 million to save the preserve as open space.
As of March 17, Ford said they have raised $6.4 million. He said he is confident they will meet the deadline.
Ford said the total includes the final $250,000 contribution from Lewes Mayor and City Council. The city has already given $750,000 to the campaign.
“We had no thoughts of it becoming as long a campaign, but with various extensions, it’s just how it evolved,” Ford said.
If the campaign is successful, the city will take over the 30-acre preserve. It will become a public space for passive recreation and a wildlife habitat.
The land is currently owned by the Rollins family and is not yet open to the public. The forest is what is left of the first deeded land in Delaware dating back to 1670.
The history of the Fourth Street property is documented in a book by GLF Executive Director Mike Rawl, titled “The First Settler of Lewes.”
Ford said the alliance has hired professional services to create a topographical map and wetlands delineation of the property. He said once that is done, local landscape architect Rodney Robinson will donate his time to create a concept site plan that will give a preliminary idea of a trail location and where certain native species should be planted as part of a reforestation program.
Ford said 20 larger, native trees have already been identified and tagged with ribbons.
The Open Space Alliance has several fundraisers coming up this spring, with the support of many local businesses.
• April 2 and 16: Beer and Benevolence nights at Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats in Rehoboth Beach
• April 5: The second Race for Open Space 5K Run/Walk and one-mile fun walk in Lewes
• Every Friday in April, Nectar in Lewes will have Fourth Street Forest Fridays and donate 20% of all bills to the campaign
• R&L Liquors in Lewes is currently hosting a whiskey raffle. A $5 ticket purchase gives people a chance to win three bottles of Reservoir Distillery whiskey, which is a $375 value. The raffle ends Monday, March 31.
For more information and the full list of events, go to