Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park held a chocolate tasting event Sept. 7, at the Officer’s Club at Cape Henlopen State Park. Admission was $8 per person, which included six tastings. For the true chocoholics, extra tastings could be purchased. There was also a bake sale, 50/50 raffle and a chance to purchase tickets for a Gravity Swift 8 bicycle that will be raffled off during the Friends’ Holiday Boutique and Book Fair in November.
All proceeds from the event go to the Friends’ education fund, which provides financial assistance for students attending nature programs at the park, and other activities they help sponsor.
“This is really our first big fall event,” said Jeff Underwood, president of Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park. “And it helps fund our grants program for local and regional children who might not otherwise be able to afford it, to come out and experience classes and training in environmental education that’s done by our staff.”