Furlong runs 100 miles in 24 hours
Gavin Furlong, a local runner, member of the Seashore Striders and coach at Sussex Academy, began a quest to run 100 miles to raise awareness for colorectal cancer at 8 a.m., March 4, and 23 hours later, he ran his final mile back to the Lewes library. Furlong completed 100.04 miles by running and walking for a total time of 23:26:18 and a moving time of 21:07:06. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at his times on the 16.5-mile loop between Lewes and Rehoboth via the Gordons Pond Trail and Junction & Breakwater Trail:
First loop: 2:26
Second loop: 2:34
Third loop: 2:49
Fourth loop: 4:13
Fifth loop: 4:17
Sixth loop: 4:47.
He completed the first 50 miles in 7:49:00, while the second 50 miles was completed in 13:17:00.
In 2021 at the age of 38, Furlong was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, so this project hit home and was very personal for him.
“A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated, donated, volunteered and otherwise helped organize the event,” said Furlong. “This would not be possible without you. At the time of writing, we have raised $10,804. Every dollar donated will go toward colorectal cancer education and awareness in our local area. I would like to give a special thank you to Dr. Wilkinson and Dr. Tatineni from Beebe Healthcare for your exceptional care, and Stephanie Fitzpatrick Adams and the Beebe Medical Foundation for your guidance.”
Furlong thanked the top three fundraisers: Kasi Showers, Donarae Boucek and Bennett Curry. He also thanked his most ardent supporters: the Stanislav Family, the Mundok Family, Dr. Mark Wilkinson, Laura and Cline Scrivner, Tim Bamforth and the Seashore Striders, and Jay and Melody Diaz.
“Thanks also go out to volunteers: Katrina Eichler, Kelly Stanislav, Stephanie Moody, Jenn Showers, Ashlee Parker, Lily Bowe and Celina Sordi,” Furlong said. “Thanks to all of the pacers that ran and supported me along the way: Chris Sherman, Kasi Showers, Peyton Stanislav, Josue Laurore, Karen Shemwell, Charlie Shemwell, Katya Geyer, Jude Peacock, Nolan Furlong, Jen Cawthern, Dr. Amy Robinson, Katie Kuhlman, Drew Laroche, Jon Cohen and Dan MacElrevey. A final thank you to my amazing wife Dawnyel Furlong for her tireless efforts supporting me as well as all the other runners. Thank you all again and look forward to seeing you at next year’s event.”
Another Striders double
The Seashore Striders will have another double-event weekend, as we will travel to Denton, Md., Saturday, March 11, for the 15th annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K, which kicks off at 9 a.m.. Nearly 150 people are already signed up. Registration is still open at seashorestriders.com, and last-chance registration will be held from 8 to 8:50 a.m. at the Caroline County Parks & Recreation Department.
The second weekend event will be the popular Lucky Leprechaun 5K at 11 a.m., Sunday, March 12, at Irish Eyes in Milton. The race will kick off a full day of activities highlighted by the parade at 2 p.m. Participants can select a 5K run or a 5K walk. Awards will go to the top three in 10-year age groups. Registration is still open at seashorestriders.com, and last-chance registration will be held from 10 to 10:50 a.m. at Irish Eyes. Don’t forget to dress up and wear your green. See you on the starting line for the 10th annual event!
Do More 24
Mark Carter, working now for the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays as director of development, is no stranger to challenges, and he completed a good one this past weekend. Carter ran two miles every two hours for 24 hours straight and raised $9,700 for his organization. Carter ran a two-mile loop over the Indian River Inlet bridge from 6 p.m., March 2 to 6 p.m., March 3.
Just looking back at the weekend in our running mecca, if you add up the Furlong challenge of 100 miles, the Carter challenge of 24 miles and the two Seashore Striders events, you come up with just under $28,000 of income brought in to support the events. We live in such a unique place where Cape folks support each other.