
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce inducts 2017 Officers

February 6, 2017

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Installation and Awards Luncheon Jan. 25 at the CHEER Center. The chamber presented awards for the Business of the Year, the Nonprofit of the Year and the Trailblazer Award. Gov. John Carney and Rep. Ruth Briggs King, R-Georghetown, both spoke at the event.

The annual Small Business of the Year awards are presented each year after being voted on by a special committee made up of chamber members. The awards consist of three categories and winners are chosen among nominees who have met qualifying criteria determined by the board of directors.

The coveted Business Leader award for the 2016 calendar year was split between two local companies – Microtel Inn & Suites and SecureNetMD.

“At the end of the day, we just couldn’t decide between these two great local companies. Our committee felt that both were equally deserving, so we split the award between the two of them,” says 2016-17 Chamber President Angela Emerson. “Both of these companies are perfect examples of community leaders and we’re proud to have them here in the Georgetown area.”

The Nonprofit Leader award was given to the Joseph Patrick Fabber Memorial Foundation and Clothing Our Kids was named the Trailblazer award winner for 2016.

Briggs King announced the winners of the annual event and presented each company with special state recognitions.

The Greater Georgetown Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year awards program was founded as a way to celebrate member businesses and nonprofit organizations that improve the quality of life in their communities.

Candidates are selected in the areas of business and income growth, community involvement, customer service, excellence in industry and innovation.

“This annual meeting is special in several ways, but most importantly it allows us to recognize some of our members for the special roles they play in the central Sussex County community,” says Emerson. “It’s always nice to be honored by your peers, and these companies are all certainly deserving of this recognition by our chamber.”

In addition to remarks by Carney and King and the announcing of award winners, the new leadership team for the Georgetown Chamber was also inducted during the late January meeting. These members will serve throughout the rest of 2017, with a goal of furthering the chamber’s efforts and strengthening business ties within the Sussex County seat.

The 2017 slate of officers for the Greater Georgetown Chamber of Commerce is as follows:

President Angela Emerson, Sussex County Association of Realtors; 1st Vice President Linda Price, Fulton Bank; 2nd Vice President Judy Dean, RE/MAX Associates; Secretary Ben Gray, Microtel & Beacon Hospitality; Treasurer Anthony DelFranco, CHEER; directors Bruce Rogers, Bruce Rogers, PA, Glenn Sweeten, Edward Jones, Josie Cicerale, Lavender Fields, Bill West, Town of Georgetown, Paco Hernandez, Premier Staffing Solutions, Ray Hopkins, Servepro of Sussex County, Christopher Moody, Delaware Technical Community College, and Helen Kruger, Kruger Trailers 



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