Glade Quilters celebrate Toni Bernardon’s 102nd birthday
The Glade Quilters celebrated the 102nd birthday of member Antoinette “Toni” Bernardon with lunch March 12 at Victoria’s Restaurant on the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk.
Described by her quilting friends as amazingly active, Bernardon took up quilting in her 80s and also makes decorative Santas.
The Glade Quilters was founded in 2001 and has met weekly ever since. The group has donated more than 5,000 quilts to a variety of organizations, including Bayhealth in Dover and Milford, Sussex County Women’s Shelter, the Delaware Veterans Home, Little Sisters of the Poor, Harbor Healthcare, the Cancer Support Community, Kody’s Kids, Cape Henlopen Senior Center, Rehoboth Community Resource Center Baby Pantry, the homeless shelter in Rehoboth and Sweet Peas.