Grant Thomas, a sophomore at Sussex Academy in Georgetown, was honored as an Eagle Scout during a Troop 2540 Court of Honor April 29 at the Lewes library. His brother, Billy Thomas, a student at Villanova University and also an Eagle Scout, presented the Eagle Charge to his brother telling him he must have the courage to do what is right.
Thomas, surrounded by family, friends and fellow Scouts, received honors from local legislators, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Marine Corps League. He presented the traditional mentor’s pin to his father, Bill.
For his Eagle Scout project, Thomas planted and constructed a bluebird habitat at Jefferson School in Georgetown. This included designing and overseeing the construction and installation of several bluebird houses and the selection and planting of shrubs to support the bird population. He has since returned to the site to ensure the upkeep of the boxes and plantings.
Thomas received the Tenderfoot rank in October 2013 before moving onto Second Class in March 2014, First Class in September 2014, Star Scout in February 2015 and Life Scout in December 2015. He has earned more than 20 merit badges since 2013.
Since inception of the Eagle Scout award in 1912, only 2 percent of Scouts have attained the honor. But over the past few years, the trend has increased to more than 6 percent.