
Gruenebaum is committed to change

September 27, 2024

All politics is local, or at least it used to be. Some voters tend to go down party lines on election day whether due to loyalty, a national platform or habit. I contend in Sussex County, it has to be local because we are all neighbors, regardless of party. We all can relate to overdevelopment impacting our daily lives on the road, medical services, schools, air quality and flooding, to name just a few. Local political decisions impact all of us every day.  

Sussex County Council has only five individuals who make consequential land-use and zoning decisions for more than 250,000 Sussex County citizens. Party affiliation is irrelevant. It is glaringly obvious that Sussex County Council’s decisions propelled the population explosion that impacted all districts in one way or another.   

There’s good news for District 3 citizens! You have a golden opportunity to change the tide by voting for Jane Gruenebaum on Sussex County Council. By voting for Jane, you are not only helping your district, but will also help all of Sussex County. Jane’s leadership commitment is to secure safe, healthy and sustainable communities. As a District 3 council representative, Jane’s vote will impact all citizens’ quality of life and economic resilience. Jane Gruenebaum strongly supports all who protect our community, including police, volunteer fire departments, EMS, hazard mitigation specialists. She has a vision to synchronize growth with infrastructure improvements. She will address current concerns and prepare us for the future.

Jane is small in stature, but she is a courageous powerhouse for Sussex County citizens already. Courage is the root of change. Jane Gruenebaum proved herself a leader for all of Sussex County while serving as the first president of the Sussex Preservation Coalition. Jane led a small group of concerned citizens into a 4,000-member coalition. Jane championed local ordinance changes and Sussex County Council responded to amend some land-use ordinances. These small changes reveal a huge shift in perspective. More work has to be done. Jane’s intelligence, her strategic thinking, her diplomacy skills, her experience, her vision and her genuine concern for the greater good favor all of who want a better quality of life. The incumbent, Mark Schaeffer, lacks the attributes we need in our leaders.

Sussex County District 3 citizens, please cast your vote for Jane Gruenebaum for Sussex County Council representative regardless of your political affiliation because locally, it does matter.

Kerry Russo
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