
Hall-Long failed to help manufactured home communities

September 6, 2024

Wow, how soon we forget, Bethany Hall-Long. But not the people in manufactured home communities. Just three short years ago, Hall-Long sponsored a bill with two cohorts to allow landlords to add the consumer price index to the cost of living adjustment, essentially doubling our rent cap, even though she met with the Delaware Manufactured Home Owners Association and promised to help keep rents reasonable. Our rent increases were capped at a COLA of 3.2, but now 50% of the CPI was added to make it 6.6%. Thanks to the magic of compounding, our rent goes up $60 a year, with most parks averaging $800 to $1,000 now. That’s a surefire way to drain a retired couple’s funds. I and my neighbors will remember this when we go vote Sept. 10. 

Richard Urban 


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