
Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse restoration continues

March 13, 2017

Installation of the new dock at the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse was completed last November. The Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation is now preparing for the second stage of the restoration of the 90-year-old structure, which stands at the end of the breakwater in Lewes harbor.

According to Foundation President Red Moulinier, "While we're extremely grateful for the funding we received from the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Assistance Grants for Historic Properties, this was a grant-assisted project, so we're just as appreciative of donations from local citizens and visitors who are lighthouse enthusiasts."

Susan Smith, outreach activities coordinator for the group, agrees. "Everyone who buys one of our caps, mugs or T-shirts is contributing to the upkeep of the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse. We hope to see a lot of you at our table at the Bug and Bud Festival in Milford April 29."

Moulinier recently announced a new way to contribute  - buy a can of paint. Donors at the $100 level will be listed on a plaque inside the lighthouse. Contributions are tax deductible. Checks, payable to Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, can be mailed to DRBLHF, P. O. Box 708, Lewes, DE 19958. Contributions can also be made at

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