
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate

July 12, 2024

In just two pages of the July 9 Viewpoints section, I learned that Lewes parking fines are too high; fines are unfair even when one makes a mistake leading to an earned ticket; the Sussex County flag should no longer contain the picture of a wheat sheaf but instead should represent the apparently excessive tree demolition and housing construction in the county, or those obviously foolish traffic circles; that many of us here are dying of obesity; whole milk will kill you directly if the cancer it causes doesn't get you first; irrigation rules are unfair and unnecessary; Rehoboth is filthy; and Sen. Russ Huxtable is a failure.

I hesitated turning to page 8 for fear that I would learn that my home was built on ancestral burial grounds and must be torn down or that ocean breezes have been found to cause hair loss and fungal infections. Fortunately, however, after learning of yet another road ruined by a negligent paint spill, I finally I saw on page 8 that Jane Gruenebaum was running for Sussex County Council. I don't know Jane, but I am sure she is a lovely person, so I assume this was good news, or at least not news comparable to the previous dread to which I was subjected. I look forward to the next edition of the paper where I may learn that my primary-care provider is, actually, a plumber. And, yet, I still love it here. Must be me.

Martin S. Protas
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