There are three candidates in play Nov. 8 for District 4 representative: Democrat Keegan Worley, Independent Amy Fresh and Republican Jeff Hilovsky. In these unprecedented times, we desperately need a statesman who can work 100% of their time to work for us with real-world experience and create meaningful coalitions to guide us in the General Assembly. That person is Jeff Hilovsky.
Democrat Worley, who is really just beginning his career as a teacher, has little real-life or leadership experience. Moreover, should he win and continue teaching, students would be hurt, as he would have to spend a minimum of 40 days a year out of the classroom.
Hilovsky is the smartest guy in the room, and he’s astonishingly accomplished. He was a colonel and medical commander in the U.S. Air Force, spent 35 years as an optometrist setting up his own practice, and he is currently instructing local high school students in leadership through a course he set up himself.
Through his current volunteer work with students, Hilovsky has gained disturbing insight into the current misguided policies that are destroying Delaware’s educational standards. According to the Caesar Rodney Institute, only 31% of students statewide are currently proficient in reading, and only 29% are proficient in math. It was only a short time ago that Delaware was one of the leading states in the nation in terms of educational excellence. As a legislator, Hilovsky would work to bring these standards back.
He would also work tirelessly to protect and encourage small businesses, which are the backbone of the Delaware economy. Having run a successful business himself, he knows the choke points threatening Delaware businesses today and could help revive them after COVID and through these business-unfriendly times.
Above all, Hilovsky’s great experience shows that he’s a common-sense thinker. He sees that the core causes of Delaware’s current crime hike, for example, are based on misguided notions of justice which encourage criminals, not on the legal possession of firearms by law-abiding citizens. Regarding the environment, Hilovsky is rightly worried about the unstudied effects of offshore windmills on local wildlife. Delaware’s waters and skies are jam-packed with migratory species, from birds to whales to horseshoe crabs. How could we be willing to endanger them when their preservation is so critical? Advocates of wind power cannot yet assure us that the minimal advantages possibly gained from wind power would be worth the environmental damage they could cause in our waterways.
The time is now to bring reason, experience and wisdom to our state Legislature, starting with electing Jeff Hilovsky to represent District 4 in Sussex County. Go vote Nov. 8!