
Hoey Stevenson is better than Russ

May 28, 2024

Voters in the Sixth Senatorial District have an important choice to make in November. They can choose a candidate who will represent their local interests or a candidate who plays party politics. Yes, it’s true, some candidates forget what they said during campaigns, and as Sen. Russ Huxtable has repeatedly shown since his election, he believes he knows better than you.

While he represents a purple district and was elected by a slim margin, only after running a negative campaign, Huxtable has supported almost every mandated initiative Democrats have championed. Do you think you should have the right to choose the type of transportation you purchase? Russ doesn’t, because Democrats want you driving an electric vehicle. And although they are unable to provide the infrastructure necessary to make this transition affordable, much less possible, the mandate is here. Huxtable did not push back, although Cape Region residents don’t want a mandate they can’t afford.

Would you like to be able to enjoy our beautiful coastline? Russ and Democrats say offshore windmills are more important than migratory birds, our local fishing industry and the U.S. Coast Guard’s radar efforts for rescue missions. Once again, Russ has not pushed back against DNREC, and his New Castle County colleagues only care about our beaches for the tax revenue they bring to state coffers. The horseshoe crab sanctuaries are no longer sanctuaries. When asked about this at one of his constituent gatherings at the Lewes library, Russ told the group he was studying it. There have already been multiple nonpartisan research studies about the pros and cons, but Russ wants to study it. Again, he knows best. 

Most troubling and disappointing, and a fact that has been shared in dozens of past letters to the editor of this paper: phone calls, emails and letters sent to Huxtable’s office are often ignored. Forget about getting anywhere with petitions. Your only shot at getting Russ’ attention is if he thinks he’s on the wrong side of a local issue. When that occurs, he either goes silent or does his now infamous Huxtable Two-Step and votes with Republicans, knowing full well that a bill pushed by his fellow Democrats, which will hurt Cape Region taxpayers, passes without his support. His most recent vote on the disastrous HB 350, aka hospital hijack legislation, is just the most recent example of Russ’ disingenuous voting record.

So, what should a conscientious voter under the mistaken impression that senators and representatives are advocating for them do? I would suggest they evaluate the character and public service resumé of Kim Hoey Stevenson for the Senate District 6. Kim listens to input and has always taken a pragmatic, nonpartisan approach to challenges. Kim has the heart of a public servant, and Republicans, Democrats and Independents all deserve a senator who cares about their needs, regardless of party affiliation. We the people deserve better than what we have. It’s time for a change.

Cathy Watts


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