
Honoring sacrifices, managing corona, moving ahead

May 22, 2020

The 2020 Memorial Day weekend and celebration will be like none we have ever seen before. Memorial Day was created to remember the sacrifices of those who have fought and died in wars for our security and freedom, and this year’s holiday takes on an added dimension.

Hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers, first responders, and those involved in sustaining our food supply are fighting in their own way, putting themselves in jeopardy, for their and our safety and security. They are not facing bullets and bombs, but rather the enemy known as COVID-19 which, as in more traditional wars, has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

All of those who have sacrificed in previous wars, and those continuing to fight now in the face of this new threat, should be in our thoughts as we celebrate this Memorial Day holiday.

At the same time, others are suffering due to shuttered businesses, the loss of employment and income, and all of the other associated stresses affecting our population. The feeling is particularly intense this Memorial Day weekend, which is the traditional start of the summer season. This marks the time when we have to have our businesses ready for the arrival of our guests and the critical economic boost they bring.

With COVID-19 hospitalization trends moving in the right direction, Gov. Carney has started the process of reopening the state for business, providing guidelines for retailers and restaurants to follow starting June 1. Now, especially because of the interconnectedness of our tourist economy, it’s important that hotel, motel and other short-term rental owners also get a clear signal about when they can reopen and under what restrictions.

Beach towns beyond Delaware’s borders have already made those moves. It’s time for Delaware to do the same. Visitors need time to plan.

Our human instinct is to gather and do it safely, whether fending off saber-toothed tigers threatening our caves or a deadly virus ravaging our global society.

But we have to keep providing while addressing those threats. With vigilance, prudence and preparation, we can move forward safely. The sooner, the better.    


  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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