
Hope referendum votes don’t come back to haunt

May 28, 2024

I followed the school referendum with great interest and was disappointed by the outcome.

While I have no direct knowledge supporting the popular opinion that retirees were among the largest group voting against the referendum, my feeling is that if correct, the vote was very shortsighted.

As a previous high school teacher and coach in Maryland and now a Realtor here in the Lewes area, I can personally attest to the direct correlation between good school facilities, programs and reputation with property values. One can see that relationship throughout any city/community/school district in the nation.

Without naming other specific locations, one can see the effects right here in Sussex County.

Consistently I hear families with children ask for properties within the Cape Henlopen School District, and it is no secret that home values within those jurisdictions have risen dramatically and disproportionately to the rest of the county.

I sincerely hope the votes don't come back to haunt the communities that support the Cape schools.

Incidentally, I have no personal axe to grind regarding the schools. At my age, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in another state.

Ron Ladue
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